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Boehj (pronounced /ˈbəʊj/ˈ) is a vulgar term that has a number of different meanings chiefly relating (although in no means exclusively) to plants of the genus Cannabis.


[edit] Origins

The modern English term "boehj" owes its roots to a slang Brazilian Portuguese term for cannabis, bõjinho, that is used in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

[edit] Word Usage

From its Portuguese roots the word, in English, has come to refer to many things cannabis-related, including the consumption of cannabis and the type of philosophical discussion that is often brought about under its influence. Apart from its chief usuage boehj is used as a type of variable, to be used as a place holder in exchange for another, more semantically appropriate word.

[edit] As a noun

When used as a noun, boehj is most often used to describe the dried and otherwise processed flowering tops of the female cannabis plant. One might utter the sentence: 'Say, that's some good boehj you've procured yourself there.' Boehj may also designate other diverse items such as food or sport, although such usage is rare. In these instances boehj is used as a variable place holder.

[edit] As a verb

Perhaps the most common usage of boehj and its derivatives is as a verb or as a part of a verb phrase. Here again, boehj acts as a place holder although again, the prevalent usage relates to cannabis. One might assert: 'I intend to now have a boehj'. This may mean that the speaker intends to use the drug (commonly this is done by smoking the drug employing one of multiple techniques). One may say that he is 'boehjing around' when he is wasting time.

As boehjers often engage in vigorous discourse about politics and philosophy 'boehj' can be used to describe this discussion. So 'to have a boehj' in this sense is to have an engaging discussion on matters of current events and/or thought.

[edit] Word derivatives

  • Boehjing - Being in the process of having a boehj. "He is out the back boehjing"
  • Boehjer - A person who participates in the act of boehjing.
  • Boehjinx - Humorous activities undertaken after the consumption of Boehj.

[edit] Boehj Ball

Boehj Ball describes any ball game played while under the influence of cannabis or boehj. It can be played anywhere and at any time. Most commonly it involves a tennis ball and two or more players. Sometimes tennis racquets are employed. There are no set rules to Boehj Ball, though there is a widely accepted etiquette in the Boehj Ball community.

Experienced players of Boehj Ball can demonstrate great skill in their craft, equal to that of a footbag expert.

[edit] Boehj Ball etiquette

Usually a player will only have one 'turn' and then allow another to have a 'turn'. It is generally seen as poor form if a player 'hogs' the ball. Once any other player has made contact with the ball it is possible for any player (including the last to have a 'turn') to have another. A certain number of bounces between 'turns' is set as the maximum number permitted before a fresh round is started.

A round can be stopped at any time by any player for a 'boehj break' where a halt to play is called and participants stop to imbibe cannabis. It is usually understood by all players when this is to occur.

[edit] Boehj Ball locations

Common locations for Boehj Ball events are the beach and next to high windowless walls. Swimming pools are another preferred location.

[edit] See also

Individuals who use boehj often have the urge for some sort of munchie. A favorite is Mi Goreng

Cannabis resources (edit)
Use: recreational drug, pharmaceutical drug, spiritual, culture, 420, health issues, legal issues, cultivation, pipe smoking
Preparations: bhang, hashish, kief, shake, hash oil
Smoking: blunt, bong, chillum, dugout, gravity bong, hookah, joint, shotgun, smoking pipe, steamroller, rolling papers
Vaporization: vaporizer, knifers
Food: cannabutter, dope cake, Ganja goo ball, hash cookie, Green Dragon, Leary biscuit, cannabis brownie, Cannabis tea