User:Blue Danube

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Ens Increatum: Ex Deo Universus Fit
This user is a Unitarian Universalist.
This user believes that biological evolution is the means by which God made humans corporeal.
This user believes that God began our universe with a Bang.
... and 'tis best of all to forever love!
This user is heterosexual.
This user loves his outrageously fabulous girlfriend!
This user is someone's knight in shining armor.
The Locative Case
iGas This user does not pump his or her own gas: New Jersey
This user studies at Loyola College in Maryland.
Flag of Maryland
This user is male.
This user is from the United States.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user is ethnically half Italian.
This user loves spaghetti.
This user is ethnically about one-fourth German.
This user is ethnically about one-fourth Irish.
Atop the Pnyx
MOB-0 This user has read the Federalist Papers and is proud that the United States isn't a democracy, since republics are superior.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user prefers that the death penalty remain but be very carefully controlled.
This user believes in gender equality.
Other Considered Standpoints
This user recycles.
Not Quite Philology...
This user enjoys writing.
This user enjoys reading the newspaper.
This user enjoys reading the comics.
A, B, and C This user prefers the serial comma.
Mankind. This user is sick of the overemphasis on gender inclusive language.
Other Categories
This user thinks milk is not just for babies.
This user is a Wikipedia exopedianist.
OS X This user contributes using Mac OS X.
sfri This user contributes using Safari while sitting in front of a Mac (see above).

I know you don't care about my number of edits, barnstars, contribs, &c. (neither do I). So here's the real meat: in no particular order, my considered opinions...


[edit] On God

  • God has no image problems - I believe in a God that is beyond any limitation (including Oneness or Three-Personhood or any inclusive and/or exclusive combination of numbers, capitalized or uncapitalized, that you can think up) which is one of the more basic reasons why I became a Unitarian. God does not care what you think God is, that is, God will not think any differently of you if you think he is a bearded man, an elephant, a spirit on a cloud, nonexistent, indescribable, or any other thing imaginable; God instead cares only about how you treat others and the world around you.
  • Science and God are not mutually exclusive - I find that fundamentalist and literalist interpretations of any ancient, culture-dependent writing promote violent idiocy and shameless ignorance. The Bible is one of the most fascinating books ever written, with hundreds of precious lessons on ethics, but to say it is right and the Qur'an is wrong, or vice versa, is lunacy. Likewise, it is entirely possible to simultaneously believe strongly in God and accept as scientific truth such theories as the Big Bang and evolution by natural selection, mutation, et. al. It's really not that hard, if you're willing to open your mind. Trust me, I checked.

[edit] On abortion

  • Personally pro-life, politically and legally pro-choice - though I personally loathe the procedure, and most women who have them soon regret it, abortion is a choice that must be left to the expecting mother. It is immoral to perform it, but it is certainly not legal to ever infringe on a woman's right to have one. People always forget: legality and morality are two different things (and rightfully so). If abortions were made illegal, women would still have them anyway, as history has consistently proven (read books on Ceauşescu's Communist Romania). But many, mostly the poorest, would resort to unsafe, unsanitary methods, leading to even more needless death and harm.

[edit] On infant circumcision

  • Against infant torture - to rip off the most sensitive part of an infant male's anatomy (the foreskin) is the insane mutilation of a totally helpless human being with no legitimate modern purpose. Women have come to my country to flee female circumcision, and yet Americans regularly shred up their young boy's penises. Circumcision in all cases should be a decision, not a forced procedure, left until after the age of reason. Otherwise, you're simply saying: "I believe that God will damn my baby if I don't mutilate his penis first." Think about that one for a few minutes. Yes, I'm circumcised, and I'm frequently bothered by this fact.
  • For religious practices, why don't you try this instead? Or wait until your son is old enough to decide on his own?
  • The following is taken from this website, with the emphasis added by me: Men have said, “I want my son to look like me.” If you had lost an arm, would you, for a moment, consider chopping off your child’s arm so that he would “look like you?” Do you dye his hair, make him wear colored contact lenses, make him undergo plastic surgery, and eat what you do so that he “looks like you?” The fact is that unless your child is a genetic clone, he will never look like you.
  • It's sexism. You don't think so? Well, why is the same procedure when performed on women unacceptable? Whoops, gotcha.

[edit] On gay marriages & legal unions

  • Why infringe on others' rights? - if two gay men or two gay women want to get married and immerse themselves in all the resultant emotional and legal hilarity, who am I to say that they can't? As much as I am personally repulsed when two men hold hands, osculate, or worse, it is absolutely none of my business if they want to endure the hardships of life together while enjoying the privileges of marriage.

[edit] On immigration

  • People in, dollars out - immigration should now be mostly curtailed in the U.S. because the time of America's true and undeniable need for cheap labor has passed, and illegal immigrants have become an outrageous burden on the state economies of New York, California, and Texas. They are never paid a fair wage and are subject to the worst kinds of discrimination, and meanwhile hemorrhage the U.S. of its lifeblood (money, the lifeblood of any country) which the current system is simply not able to deal with. That money is supposed to be spent on intra-national corruption, not protecting the rights of illegal aliens! C'mon now!

[edit] On the American draft

  • Against unconstitutional legislation - the U.S. draft in its nature is unconstitutional since it clearly discriminates against both sexes, and has always been abused by the wealthier Americans. It should be a severe-emergency-only procedure to which any physically and mentally capable person, regardless of sex, should be pressed to endure to protect the nation in a time of extreme difficulty.

[edit] On rehabilitation for rapists

  • Tough love - repeat rapists are criminals of the lowest order and should be rehabilitated by being castrated while under anesthesia. Three strikes, and your balls belong in a bag labeled medical waste.

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Random facts about me:

  • I have made a master list of all named plastids and am working to eventually promulgate this knowledge via Wikipedia.