
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Honestly, I'm not sure why I picked this name. Blue's my favorite color... there's something so calming, serene and thirst-quenching about the color. As for the truth? I guess I'm tired of seeing people insert their POV in articles. We all have POVs, but Wikipedia should be a source of unbiased information for people of all walks of life, political leanings and otherwise. They should be able to read and then independently draw their own conclusions, without being told what conclusions to draw. And Blue *almost* rhymes with Truth, so hey, I figured why not.

What do you need to know about me? I'm 23, and a nice guy who should probably get out more. Wikipedia definitely doesn't help my social life ;). I'm into politics, dogs, writing, painting, sushi and I'm a complete Radiohead freak. That about sums it up!

--BlueTruth 08:15, 19 January 2006 (UTC)