Blue Mountain (Montana)

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Blue Mountain is the western landmark of the city of Missoula and is a popular recreational destination for hiking, off-road motorcycling, horse riding, shooting and hunting. The mountain is generally covered with pine trees, with sufficient numbers of Blue Spruce to give the mountain a blue appearance in good sunlight.

Notable features on Blue Mountain are a system of trails and old logging roads that cut across large portions of the mountain, an abandoned apple orchard, and the remains of some old, small, gravel pits on the back side.

Mule deer, coyotes, black bear, grouse, wild turkeys and other wild animals can be found without much effort across the entire mountain. The black bears are typically found foraging for apples in the abandoned orchard in the fall getting fat for the winter.

Due to its closeness to Missoula and relative seclusion, Blue Mountain is a popular destination for underage keg parties. As the roads are steep, winding and without guard rails, fatal alcohol-related accidents involving teenagers traveling at high speeds are not uncommon.