Blood Money (Angel episode)

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Angel episode
"Blood Money"

Angel confronts Lindsey and Lilah
Episode № Season 2
Episode 12
Guest star(s) Julia Lee
Christian Kane
Stephanie Romanov
Sam Anderson
Gerry Becker
Mark Rolston
Writer(s) Shawn Ryan, Mere Smith
Director R. D. Price
Production № 2ADH12
Airdate January 23, 2001
Episode chronology
Previous episode Redefinition
Next episode Happy Anniversary

"Blood Money" is episode 12 of season 2 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel (series) episodes for a complete list.


[edit] Plot synopsis

[edit] Summary

With a little help from the demon snitch Merl, Angel begins to dig up more dirt on Wolfram & Hart when he discovers the firm stealing money from contributions made to a shelter for runaways. Angel is investigating the owner Anne Steele (formerly Lily from the episode "Anne" on Buffy the Vampire Slayer). After Angel threatens both Lindsey and Lilah to blow the whistle on them, he comes face-to-face with an old demon adversary who wants to finish a confrontation he started many years before. Meanwhile, Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn are still fighting demons on their own and decide to form their own detective/protection agency, but they cannot decide on a name.

[edit] Expanded overview

At Cordelia's apartment, Wesley and Gunn play the board game Risk, until Cordelia tries to kick them out so she can sleep. They discuss plans to start their own company without Angel until Cordelia gets a vision about a large two-headed, fire-breathing demon. Angel bumps into a woman who runs a teen center. At the hotel, Angel reveals that he took her wallet and has a table and wall full of pictures and information on the woman. Wesley and Gunn slowly approach the demon in the sewers and find themselves in over their heads with the 20-foot demon.

Angel confronts Merl in his apartment, demanding information about Anne, the woman running the shelter. She's connected to Wolfram and Hart, so Angel visits the shelter and talks to her. Anne raves about Wolfram and Hart's help with the shelter and the plans for a charity fundraiser named the Highway Robbery Ball to gather money with the help of celebrities. A large demon name Boone confronts Merl for information on Angel and Merl is persuaded to provide that information.

Angel surprises Lilah in her car and he expresses his happiness at being able to play the game now that he understands that there aren't any rules. Lilah tells Lindsey how worried she is about Angel, but their discussion is cut short as Boone arrives unannounced, wanting to deal with a grudge against Angel. Boone explains his past with Angel and the fact that they have a battle to finish. Wesley and Gunn rave about slaying the demon and despite their incredible fear, they're excited about their victory. The group leaves to look at a prospective location for their new business while arguing over its name.

Angel shows up at the shelter late at night and Anne jokingly asks if he's stalking her. Angel offers all the evidence necessary to confirm that he is, and then tries to warn her that Wolfram and Hart are going to steal money from the fundraiser. Lindsey arrives and pretends to be protecting Anne, bringing Boone with him to fight with Angel. Lindsey tries to defend the law firm to Anne but the information Angel's provided her worries Lindsey and he discusses the dangerous possibilities with Lilah.

Wounded from the fight, Angel returns to the shelter and Anne expresses that she cares about the shelter and is willing to ignore just about anything if it means the success of the shelter. Angel gives her a tape to play at the fundraiser but Anne refuses to risk the shelter. At the Ball, a video of Holland entertains those at the fundraiser. Lilah introduces Anne to one of her bosses, Mr. Nathan Reed while Lindsey reviews the security plans for the ball.

While actors collect money and jewelry from the rich attendees, Angel reveals his presence, which leads to a fight between the vampire and Boone on the balcony and they eventually fall to the main floor. Lindsey searches for the incriminating tape Angel has, but it's revealed that Angel has no tape and Boone is actually working with Angel. Anne plays the tape Angel gave her before Lindsey and Lilah can stop him, but the clips of Cordelia and Wesley doing embarrassing things for the camera help Angel reveal that he never had anything to incriminate the lawyers in the first place. To add even more embarrassment to the situation for Wolfram and Hart, Boone has taken off with the donations.

Lindsey confronts Mr. Reed about not being able to kill Angel, and it is revealed that Angel is an important figure in the upcoming apocalypse, but because his role is unclear, he must stay alive. Boone confronts Angel at the hotel, offering the 2.5 million dollars in charity donations as a bet for a fight between the two of them. Again wounded from battle with Boone, Angel presents the money and jewelry to Anne for the shelter. She isn't too disturbed by the fact that there is real blood on the money.

[edit] Writing and acting

[edit] Production details

[edit] Music

[edit] Quotes and trivia

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
  • The character of Anne was actually the vampire worshipper Chanterelle in the episode "Lie to Me". The same person became the runaway "Lily" from the episode "Anne" in the beginning of Buffy's 3rd season. In this episode Buffy was living her life as a runaway, renaming herself under her middle name "Anne". In the end of this episode Lily takes on Buffy's alias, her apartment, and her job at a diner. It was only natural that she would open a teen center for other runaways later in life.

[edit] Goofs

  • During the scene were Lilah and Angel talk in the car Angel supposedly vanishes but his coat can still be seen on the left side of the screen.

[edit] Continuity

[edit] Arc significance

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse chronology: January 2001 - Spring 2001
(non-canon = italic)
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.12 Checkpoint
L.A., 2001 A2.12 Blood Money
L.A., 2001 A2.13 Happy Anniversary
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.13 Blood Ties
L.A., 2001 A2.14 The Thin Dead Line
L.A., 2001 A2.15 Reprise
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.14 Crush
L.A., 2001 A2.16 Epiphany
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Wisdom of War
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.15 I Was Made to Love You
L.A., 2001 A2.17 Disharmony
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Vengeance
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.16 The Body
L.A., 2001 A2.18 Dead End
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Haunted
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.17 Forever
L.A., 2001 A2.19 Belonging
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Ugly Little Monsters
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy comic: 'Chaos Bleeds' prequel
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy video game: Chaos Bleeds
L.A., 2001 Tales of the Slayer: Again, Sunnydale
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.18 Intervention
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Tempted Champions
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Little Things
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Crossings
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Sweet Sixteen
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.19 Tough Love
L.A., 2001 A2.20 Over the Rainbow
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.20 Spiral
L.A., 2001 A2.21 Through the Looking Glass
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.21 The Weight of the World
Sunnydale, 2001 B5.22 The Gift
L.A., 2001 A2.22 There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Death of Buffy: Lost & Found’
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Death of Buffy

[edit] External links

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