Blog award

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A Blog award is an online award to vote for the best weblog. There are many different blog awards, most of which are open to public vote.

The best known set of blog awards are the Bloggies, run by weblogger Nikolai Nolan. These awards are presented annually at the SXSW conference in Austin. Bloggies are voted on by the general public via a web-site. The awards cover thirty categories, including eight by region (Best British/Irish, Best American etc), seven by subject (politics, food, technology etc.) and awards for "Weblog of the Year" and "Lifetime achievement".

The winners of the Bloggie for 'Weblog of the Year' have been:

A 'lifetime achievement' award has also been awarded to Jeffrey Zeldman, Evan Williams, Jason Kottke, Heather Champ and Tom Coates.

Various other organisations have started blog awards with varying success. The UK newspaper The Guardian ran a Best British Blog competition in 2001 and another in 2002, but then stopped because of limited enthusiasm from the UK weblogging community and a few public boycotts - Weblog competition a 'bloody stupid idea'.

"TheBOBs", also known as "The Best of the Blogs", is an annual, international Weblog award organized by DW-WORLD.DE, the Internet portal for Germany's Deutsche Welle. TheBOBs awards are given out by an international jury of experts in 13 categories and nine languages. At TheBOBs users are also able to vote for their favorites. TheBOBs should not be confused with the Best of Blogs awards, largely geared towards lesser-known blogs, are also voted upon by internet users.

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