
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am a black scholar who doesn't care shit about the so-called white-dominated truth. The only truth that concerns me can be found in MarijuanA (a book printed by my friend in fewer than 200 copies) * This book is actually an encyclopedia on matters of race, imperialism, foreign domination, and racial self-sufficiency.

Why my user name is black power? Because I believe that black is power. No shit about it. Doesn't matter if you is black, white, brown, yellow, or shit, If you think like a black, you got power (this relates to racial self-sufficiency and self empowerment through knowledge).*

That's why I think Afrocentrism is important. It should be taught in every school from kindergarten to graduate school. We should indoctrinate the generations, so they get da power. When I see that all the inventions, technology, philosophies, or accomplishments are made by whites, I feel powerless. Shit, I want that power, fuck yeah! That's why we need to teach our people that really we made all those shit, not the whites. It's important that we do that. (this relates the the urgency that we teach our future generations the truth so we can feel empowered through knowing that we did more than the white establishment has led us to believe).*

Fuck, we can claim that credit of course, since all humans are technically Africans, there's no shit about it. And whites don't have that much to lose, so it's legit. (this relates to the racial unity of the african world-view that civil rights leaders and philosophers have pursued that promotes harmony among races by tracing all lineages to a common ancestor in africa).*

Why I edit wikipedia? Fuck, wikipedia is a mass media, and if mass media indoctrinates. So that's why I edit, so more black thinkings can be pumed up your ass. Better accept it, cause black power fights on. (again, this relates to the urgency of needing to know the truth and knowledge and its necessary profusion through masses to attain the expected result of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment).*

This introduction might seem seedy, but go read my edits, they are serious and scholarly based, go read and see for yourself dog. (please digest the edits before blanket-reverting them for no apparent reason other than detectable or undetectable race-based concept).*

And if you think my edits are bad and you think I am trolling, fuck! You are a fucking racist! As I said, go read and see for yourself. If you think mine aint' mainstream, that's because you be whitewashed for too long, just know this: THE WORLD AIN'T YOURS NO MO'!!

(I copied this phrase from User:deeceevoice, my inspiration to go against the white imperail western establishment in a campaign to bring about black african consciousness to the users of iternet. Even though she doesn't agree with some of my edits, I still respect her like a sister. She shows us how a single individual can use both verbal knowledge and indefatigable resistance to create much havoc to poke a hole in the establishment to let the light shine through.)*

I hate this fucking picture!
I hate this fucking picture!



  • sentences in ( ) added after some heated hot-headedness easily mistaken for trolling to demonstrate my purpose on wikipedia through more sensible means.