Blackwood class frigate

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HMS Keppel

HMS Keppel

Type 14
Blackwood class
RN Ensign
General Characteristics
Displacement: 1,456 tons full load
Length: 310 ft (94 m)
Beam: 33 ft (10.1 m)
Draught: 15 ft (4.6 m)
Propulsion: Y-100; 1 shaft steam turbine, 2 boilers, 15,000 shp (11MW)

Exmouth, from 1966: COGOG, 1 x Rolls-Royce Olympus boost and 2 x Rolls-Royce Proteus cruise turbines.

Speed: 27 knots
Range: 5,200 nautical miles at 12 knots
Complement: 112
Armament: 3 x 40 mm Bofors gun Mark 7 (quarterdeck mount later removed)

2 x Limbo Mark 10 A/S mortars
2 x twin 21" (533 mm) deck-mounted tubes for A/S homing torpedoes(Blackwood, Exmouth, Malcolm and Palliser only, later removed)

Electronics: Radar Type 974 navigation

Sonar Type 174 search
Sonar Type 162 target classification
Sonar Type 170 targeting

The Type 14, Blackwood, class were a twelve ship class of second rate anti-submarine warfare (A/S) frigates of the Royal Navy, designed and built during the increasing threat from the Soviet Union's large fleet of submarines that roamed the Atlantic Ocean.

They were designed to be cheaper and smaller to complement the expensive Type 12 frigates and had light armament. The class were very specialised for the ASW role and thus had little capability in any other role, though they did perform fishery protection duties. One of the ships, HMS Exmouth, was later converted to gas turbines in 1966, becoming the first major warship of the Royal Navy to be powered by gas turbines.

In the late 1950s, during their time on patrols around Iceland to ensure that Icelandic fishermen did not attempt to fish in British waters, problems were found with the hulls of the Type 14s in such heavy waters, such that their hulls had to be strengthened to cope with patrols in heavy waters.

The Type 14s size, at just 310 ft, prevented them from continuing past the 1970s and continuing the work they had been doing in the ASW role, as it prevented the Type 14s from being modernised with more effective weapons, thus making them obsolete. They were all decommissioned in the 1970s.

[edit] Indian Ships

Three ships were built for the Indian Navy in the late 1950's

Blackwood-class frigate
Blackwood | Duncan | Dundas | Exmouth | Grafton | Hardy | Keppel | Malcolm | Murray | Palliser | Pellew | Russell

List of frigates of the Royal Navy
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