Black Sea Forum for Partnership and Dialogue

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Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership is an evolving process nourished and driven by active involvement and interaction between stakeholders interested in the present, but most importantly in the future of the Black Sea region. Therefore it can help them sharing their expertise, projects and practical solutions for a wide range of issues. Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership sets the framework for launching an integrated and transparent thinking process aimed at the region itself, its identity and future able to:

• Further build mutual trust; • Facilitate synergy between regional initiatives; • Identify and ground ideas; • Promote pragmatic regional projects that meet the actual needs of the region. • Generate a mutual awareness dialogue and share lesson learned by the region with the extraregional partners.

Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership will be based in active and open dialogue between institutions and civil society within the Black Sea region, as well as with European and Euro-Atlantic partners. Purpose of the Forum The Purpose of the Forum is to create a platform for cooperation and commitment to development of a regional strategy and a common vision, as materialization of a new political vision, and to identify coordination opportunities based on this vision.

Forum’s objectives are as follows:

• Underpin the importance of ensuring stability and democratic transformations and European aspirations in the Black Sea region; • Facilitate an extended regional dialogue between government and non-government organizations and assist them in focusing their efforts towards achieving pre-defined goals; • Create a new platform and new opportunities for the countries in the region to state their positions regarding the future of the area, thus promoting the regional interests in a cooperative, transparent and solidarity-based manner, and acting like a resonance box for conveying the message of the region; • Generate new ideas of preventing conflicts and crisis management, providing development opportunities in a multilateral context; • Explore the unvalued potential of certain regional cooperation areas and of collaboration with international institutions already active in the area, as consensus generating factors; • Enhance efforts synergy between the actions of all the players in the region and outside its borders (regional and international organizations, other states), focused on agreed priorities and facilitate the set-up of an external “critical mass” as “informal” endorser of the democratic stability in the region. • Increase the dynamism of the Black Sea regional market, interrelated to the European economic market; • Enhance cooperation and educational exchanges between academic institutions, as a long term investment in the regional security.

[edit] Joint Declaration of the Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership

Adopted at the Bucharest Summit, 5th June 2006

We, Heads of State or Their Representatives from the Black Sea region: Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bulgaria, Georgia, Hellenic Republic, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine;

Considering the far-reaching democratic transformation process currently under way in the Black Sea Region, and its growing relevance in a globalised world, where increasing interdependence requires a new impetus to be given to regional cooperation, in line with the UN principles;

Recalling the experience acquired from regional cooperation in South Eastern and Central Europe, the Baltic Sea and Northern Europe, which generated enhanced confidence among participating countries;

Acknowledging that existing regional initiatives, processes and structures have so far fostered closer cooperation in the region and encouraged the participating countries to seek regional answers to their common challenges;

Affirming the conviction that the States in the Black Sea Region should continue to uphold their responsibility for maintaining peace, stability, prosperity and good neighbourly relations in the Black Sea area, by utilizing effectively and efficiently all available organisations (BSEC), initiatives and processes in the area, contributing to democratic transformation and sustainable development;

Emphasising that the evolving common security challenges in the region, such as those pertaining to energy, terrorism and WMD proliferation, environmental degradation, natural disasters, illegal trafficking, organised crime require correlated and cooperative responses of the countries in the region;

Stressing that unresolved conflicts in some Black Sea states represent a challenge to security and stability in the region;

Recognising that a reinforced strategy of an action-oriented nature, which will build upon the existing regional cooperation initiatives and make use of all other relevant mechanisms and programmes, as well as the contribution of interested parties in a complementary fashion, is needed to effectively deal with these common challenges;

I. Hereby announce the launching of the Black Sea Forum for Dialogue and Partnership, a process that will serve as a regional platform designed primarily to define a common vision of democratic and sustainable development. The Forum will thus help consolidate regional commonalities, through providing new ideas and proposals for an intensified dialogue and cooperation within the Black Sea region, based on good neighbourly relations and effective partnerships, while taking full account of the existing regional and international endeavours that can be of assistance in the pursuit of this fundamental objective. The Forum will therefore provide an inclusive, flexible and open framework for generating new ideas, channeling and mobilising governmental and nongovernmental, regional and international efforts and resources in the pursuit of these goals.

II. Agree that, in order to achieve the objectives of the Forum, the following areas of cooperation will be given priority:

a) Fostering greater synergy among international and regional organisations to create political preconditions for the success of regional cooperation projects; shaping a common vision and setting a common agenda;

b) Promoting good governance, strengthening of tolerance and non-discrimination, civil society capacity-building, empowerment of the youth through provision of better education and research opportunities, with a view to creating a regional environment conducive to the promotion of democracy and fundamental rights and freedoms;

c) Identifying regional means and capabilities that can be mobilised to ensure sustainable development through a more effective regional cooperation, and highlighting the role and active involvement of the business community to this end;

d) Encouraging regional cooperation by pooling relevant national experiences and best practices, in crisis management, civil emergency planning, post-conflict reconstruction and environmental protection, putting regional priorities in conjunction with European and Euro-Atlantic developments in these areas;

III. Agree that, in the future, we may decide on the inclusion of further priority areas for consideration within the context of the Black Sea Forum;

IV. Welcome the increasing interest of the EU in the Black Sea region and take note with appreciation of the recent initiatives undertaken by EU member states, resulting in the undergoing efforts within the EU to elaborate a comprehensive regional approach for the Black Sea, which should significantly contribute towards achieving the goals we all share. In this context, we encourage the EU member states and the European Commission to make full use of their policy and financial instruments available for the region from 2007 onwards, including the European Neighbourhood Policy, the European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI) and the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA). We also welcome the involvement of development, financial and cultural partners in the Black Sea region.

V. Decide on the following principles and guidelines of the Forum:

a) The Forum will have no permanent structures or bodies and it will not duplicate the activities of the existing mechanisms of cooperation in the region. The operational framework will be flexible and minimal, based notably on networks and partnerships. The envisaged cooperation among the participating countries will stem from intergovernmental interaction, public–private partnerships, cross-national projects and interdisciplinary academic expertise.

b) Consultations will continue, as and when required, in an effort to explore ways and means of further enhancing the contribution of the Forum to the regional cooperation including through the existing mechanisms.

c) The Forum is open to the participation of every state in the region, as well as other interested partner organisations and states. Particular attention shall be given to engaging the representatives of regional and sub regional organisations and initiatives. The Forum will facilitate increased communication and interaction among regional stakeholders, state and non-governmental actors alike.

d) Cooperation with the EU institutions for the implementation of proposals discussed within the Forum would be sought and based on the added value of these proposed projects to existing and future EU instruments, bearing in mind wider regional needs and considerations.

e) The responsibility for the implementation of agreed projects (coordination, format of meetings, identification of donors and facilitators, etc) that are not funded by the EU in the framework of the Forum lies mainly with the initiating country/countries

[edit] See also