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BlackGatomon (ブラックテイルモン BlackTailmon)
Level: Champion
Fresh/Baby I SnowBotamon
In-Training/Baby II Nyaromon
Rookie/Child Salamon
Champion/Adult BlackGatomon
Ultimate/Perfect LadyDevimon
Mega/Ultimate Lilithmon
Card game information
Attribute: Virus
Type: Evil Beast Digimon
Family: Nightmare Soldiers
Card numbers: ST-176,BO-551

BlackGatomon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise, a Champion Level Digimon. BlackGatomon is of the Evil Beast category who is similar in appearance to Gatomon with the exception that she has black fur with violet tufts, bands, and blue gloves with red markings. She is the Pre-Digivolved form of LadyDevimon and in Japan known as BlackTailmon.

[edit] Evolution

[edit] Abilities

Many of her abilities and attacks are identical to Gatomon's, except BlackGatomon lacks the sacred data her counterpart possesses.

[edit] Attacks

  • Lightning Paw: She moves as fast as lightning and swipes her enemy with her claw.
  • Lightning Kick: Similar to "Lightning Paw" except she uses her leg and kicks her enemy.
  • Cat's Eye Hypnotism: She confuses her enemy into thinking that it is in her control.