Björn at Haugi

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King Björn's barrow in Håga (Old Norse name: Haug)near Uppsala. This location has a very strong connection with Björn at Haugi. First, the Nordic Bronze Age barrow gave its name to the location Håga ("the barrow"), which became part of the cognomen of the king, at Haugi ("at the barrow"), and  the mound was later named after the king.
King Björn's barrow in Håga (Old Norse name: Haug)near Uppsala. This location has a very strong connection with Björn at Haugi. First, the Nordic Bronze Age barrow gave its name to the location Håga ("the barrow"), which became part of the cognomen of the king, at Haugi ("at the barrow"), and the mound was later named after the king.

Björn at Haugi ("Björn at the Barrow"), Björn på Håga, Björn II or Bern was according to Hervarar saga a Swedish king and the son of Erik Björnsson who ruled together with his brother Anund Uppsale. Björn was called at Haugi as his hall was at Håga (Haug meaning "Barrow" and named after a large barrow in the area, see image) near Uppsala. His brother Anund Uppsale had his hall at Gamla Uppsala, which was the religious centre.

The historical existence of Björn and Anund is confirmed by Rimbert. He relates of a king Björn, the brother of Anund (Anoundus), who succeeded a king Erik (as in Hervarar saga) who asked the Frankish emperor Louis the Pious to send Christian missionaries to Sweden. The emperor responded in 829 by sending Ansgar. Björn received Ansgar at his court on the island of Adelsö and gave him permission to found a Christian congregation in Birka[1].

In his Edda Snorri Sturluson quotes many stanzas attributed to Bragi Boddason, a court poet who served several kings, especially King Björn at Hauge (see Bragi and Hervarar saga). This Bragi was reckoned as the first skaldic poet, and was certainly the earliest skaldic poet then remembered by name whose verse survived in memory. For Björn, Bragi composed Ragnarsdrápa about Björn's ancestor Ragnar Lodbrok (see the Britannica of 1911, [2]). In Skáldatal, Snorri mentions a second skald beside Bragi: Erpr lútandi.

The existence of the two brothers, Björn and Anund, is not only supported by Rimbert, but also by Adam of Bremen who relates that Björn and Anund preceded Olaf. However, Hervarar saga only mentions Erik Anundsson, who was the father of Björn (III) Eriksson (the father of Eric the Victorious and Olof (II) Björnsson) (see Diarchy).

Landnámabók says that Björn had a son named Þórðr knappr, who was one of the first settlers in Iceland[3][4].

[edit] See also

House of Munsö
Preceded by:
Erik Refilsson
Semi-legendary king of Sweden
with Anund Uppsale
Succeeded by:
Olof and/or
Erik Anundsson
In other languages