Bishop Karas

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Important Dates of Bishop Karas
Born: 18 January, 1955
Ordination of Monasticism: 14 November, 1981
Ordained Monk-Priest: 14 July, 1984
Elevated to Hegumen: 25 May, 1989
Attended University: University of Khartoum
Ordained Bishop: 6 June, 1993
Diagnosed With Cancer: May 1998
Death: 17 January, 2002

His Grace Bishop Karas (born Sorial Ayad Sorial) was the first bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United States and the first abbot of the church's first monastery outside of Egypt.


[edit] Biography

Sorial Ayad Sorial was born on 17 January 1955, in the Sudan. Ever since his early youth, Sorial loved the pure life with Christ. When Sorial was 11 years old in Comboni High School, the dean of the school (a Catholic monk) wanted him to go to Italy to study and become a monk. Yet, His Grace's parents were firm in the Orthodox faith, and refused.

Even from the young age, he had his life devoted to Jesus Christ. In his childhood and in his youth, he was closely attached to the Church, constantly partaking of the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist and reading the Holy Bible; he loved the praises and the hymns. It was said by his brother, Fr. Sorial Sorial, that Bishop Karas had a secret life with Christ. Even when Sorial was a young child, he desired to become a monk and live with Christ; sometimes he would be found praying for hours.

After Sorial finished his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Khartoum, he left to France to pursue a doctorate at the University of Toulouse. During this time, he heard a voice calling him three times, telling him to go to St. Bishoy Monastery. He did not stop, yet went to the Saint Bishoy Center in Cairo. He left all his possessions and personal belongings, and only took his passport. Sayedna didn’t want to waste his time in the lusts of this world, and he left to the Monastery of Saint Bishoy. He left without telling anybody, not even his brother, Elia (Fr. Sorial).

On 18 January 1981, he attempted to enter the monastery but was stoped by the monk on duty, who told him to return to France to continue his education. Sayedna replied, “No one, having put his hand on the plough can look back.” (Luke 9:62) The monk then allowed him to enter. During his monastic years, people saw Sayedna as a worthy and holy monk. H.H. Pope Shenouda III ordained him as a priest on 14 February 1984, and assigned him to head the Papal Center in St. Bishoy Monastery. On 23 May 1989 Pope Shenouda elevated Sayedna to Hegumen, taking the name Karas.

Hegumen Karas was appointed to head the new Monastery of St. Antony the Great in Newberry Springs, California (near Barstow, California) on 26 September 1989.

The bishops and metropolitans of the synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church unanimously agreed to the elevation of Karas as bishop and abbot in recognition of the monastery's prosperity; he was consecrated as a bishop on 6 July 1993, by Pope Shenouda.

In 1998, Bishop Karas was diagnosed with lung cancer and was given nine months to live. The bishop continued to celebrate the Divine Liturgy, followed the regular fast schedule, and met daily with visitors, even though he was receiving a chemotherapy treatment that left most patients bedriden. Once, a family was visiting the monastery, and the father had forgotten his medicine.

Bishop Karas, who was taking the same medicine, gave the man some of his medicine. On 10 January 2002, Bishop Karas suffered a stroke and fell into a coma; he died in the early morning of January 17, the day before what would have been his 47th birthday.

“For there is no death for Your servants, but a departure” Litany for the Departed-Offering of Incense

[edit] Miracles attributed to Bishop Karas

Sayedna meeting an unknown monk

There was a time when Bishop Karas told a family that before he was sick, he used to walk in the Wilderness. When he was walking, he used to see one of the monks that were at the monastery, and would greet him. However, the monk didn't have any crosses on the Kolonsoa (Head Covering For Orthodox Monks), and the monk hugged him very hard that he couldn't breathe. Sayedna made the sign of the cross on him, and then the monk disappeared out of the Galabeya (Tunic) and Kolonsoa. Bishop Karas also mentioned that he believed this was satan trying to trick him.

The authority Sayedna had over animals

Bishop Karas was walking in the desert with some visitors. While walking, they saw a snake. Bishop Karas told the snake to go back in his hole, and if he were to see the snake again he would kill it. The snake actually listened to Bishop Karas, and left their presence. After a short period, the same snake emerged again. Sayedna told the snake that he had warned him, and that he would kill him. Bishop Karas made the sign of the cross over the snake, and left. One man who was unsure, and did not want Sayedna's words to be in vain, went back to kill the snake. However, he found the snake already dead, shortly after Bishop Karas made the sign of the cross.

Bakhour (The incense that comes from the Censer, the Shoria-The Golden Censer) That Came to Bishop Karas

There was a family who had a video of Bishop Karas when he had visited them during Thanksgiving. When His Grace was blessing the meal, bakhour started to appear. Yet it was hard to tell where it was coming, but it started to head toward Anba Karas, then it disappeared once it reached him. However, they discovered this miracle after the departure of Bishop Karas.

Woman Who was uneasy with driving her car

The driving was uneasy, so the family asked Bishop Karas to watch over them. The woman who was driving the car noticed something being drawn on the driver's side window. After parking the car, she saw the image of Bishop Karas in his casket and underneath him was the road she had just driven on.

The Loss of the License Plate Dedicated to Bishop Karas

This miracle happened to his older brother who lived in Canada. He had bought a new car and had asked for a license plate to read "BKARAS" One evening he visited some friends, and as he left to go home, he discovered that his car had been stolen. He notified the police, and they said that there was little hope of finding it, and that he would indeed be lucky if he found his car. So the brother called out in a loud voice saying, "Your Grace, the license plate was in your name and you allowed the car to be stolen!" These words were like a wire addressed to H.G. Bishop Karas asking him to pray for the car to be returned to its owner. In fact, two days later, a friend called the brother to inform him that he had found the car in the Church parking lot. The brother could hardly believe the news, so he rushed to the parking lot and found his car in perfect condition; he also found all his credit cards and the other important papers which he had left in the car. May God always be glorified through the prayers and supplications of His Saints.

[edit] Other sayings from others about Bishop Karas

His Grace Bishop Moussa said that the Thrice Blessed Bishop Karas had abundantly witnessed to Christ, to the Church and to the Monastery by his sanctity, his asceticism, his purity, his generosity and by enduring great pain. He struggled well, he endeavored, he kept the faith, and he was granted the crown of righteousness.

The Thrice Blessed Metropolitan Daniel, Metropolitan of Khartoum, of the South and Uganda always said that Abba Karas was his son, because he had baptized him as a child, and he loved him deeply. When Abba Daniel came to the Monastery of St. Antony in California to visit him during his illness, he always said that the Holy Virgin was constantly with him.

His Grace Bishop Sarabamon, Bishop of Um Dourman witnessed to the serenity and gentleness of His Grace the Thrice Blessed Bishop Karas and to his love for all.

[edit] Quick facts about Bishop Karas

H.G. Bishop Karas, the first Bishop in the land of immigration and the first Bishop and Abbot of the first Coptic Orthodox Monastery in the U.S.A. and Canada.

† He was born in the Sudan, on 18 January 1955, to pious parents and was named Sourial Ayad Sourial. He was raised in a family that loved Christ the Lord.

† He received his Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering, with honors, from the University of Khartoum.

† In view of his excellent academic achievements, he was sent to France in 1980, to prepare for his Doctorate in Chemical Engineering.

† As the love of Christ the Lord filled his whole being, he left what he considered worthless, and on 18 January 1981, on his 26th birthday, he went to the Monastery of Saint Pishoy in the wilderness of Shiheet in Egypt, to become a Monk.

† He was ordained Priest by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on 14 February 1984.

† In view of the great confidence his Holiness had in him, he was appointed Head of the Papal Center in the Monastery of Saint Pishoy. He performed his duties with great loyalty, and he was loved by all and loving to all.

† He was elevated to the priestly Hegumen rank by H.H. Pope Shenouda III on 23 May 1989.

† H.H. Pope Shenouda III sent him to the U.S.A. on 26 September 1989, as Head of the Monastery of St. Antony the Great in California.

† His spiritual and loving service helped the Monastery to flourish in the U.S.A. and Canada. Large numbers of visitors came to seek his blessing, attend the Divine Liturgies and prayers, and spend some spiritual time.

† The Holy Synod recognized the Monastery of St. Antony the Great in California as a flourishing Monastery of the Church under the spiritual leadership of the Very Reverend Hegumen Karas. On 6 July 1993 (Pashans 29th, 1709 AM), he was ordained by H. H. Pope Shenouda III as the first Bishop and Abbot for the Monastery.

There was unanimous joy and approval from the Metropolitans and Bishops; sixty members of the high hierarchy and thousands from the congregation attended the ceremony, for they loved him for his gentleness, the kindness of his heart, his profound spirituality, his service to all, his great virtues which were the fruits of the spirit. He was enthroned at the Monastery on July 31st, 1993, amidst the joy of the people and in the presence of a number of Metropolitans and Bishops.

† His struggle with his illness started in the month of May 1998, when he was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs. The disease had already attacked the lungs and he had to receive chemotherapy. The physician said that his terminal medical condition allowed no more than nine months, but also that "he was a Saint and had power from heaven." He continued to fight his illness with patience, thanksgiving and a smile that never left his lips, even during the most severe pain. The disease would be manifested in different sensitive areas and disappear in a way beyond medical knowledge. In similar cases of lung cancer the patient must remain in bed; any effort and even talking requires great effort, but the physician said:

  1. "He moves with a power from up above."
  2. "I do not know how he can fast and celebrate the Divine Liturgy."
  3. "After the chemotherapy treatment, he would visit the sick in the hospitals and pray for them."

He even dealt with the more simple civilities which he could easily avoid, for he did not want to hurt a loving heart, or refuse a request, even at the expense of his own rest.

† On 10 January 2002, he had a brain clot which he fought for several days, for in His Wisdom, God wanted us to be prepared to accept with our faith and our love for Abba Karas the news of his departure to Heaven, on Thursday, 17 January 2002 (Toba 9th, 1718 AM), at 1:00 a.m.

† We have all enjoyed his love and we believe that His Grace is praying for us.

Taken From St. Antony Coptic Orthodox Monastery Website. Refer to Web Links, to view more.

[edit] Departure ceremony-By H.G. Bishop David

On Monday 21 January 2002 morning, Bishop Youssef celebrated the liturgy along with Bishops Serapion and David. Escorted by some 25 Coptic priests, the latter had flew from NJ to attend the funeral. At 11:00 after the liturgy, the six bishops officiated the funeral prayers.

Many church representatives and people who knew the late Bishop Karas. Amongst them were

  1. Metropolitan Mor Yudjin Kaplan
  2. Fr. Joseph Tarzy
  3. Monk Abjer Bahku of the Syrian Orthodox from St Ephrem Cathedral

From the Greek Catholic Resurection Monastery, Abbot Nicholas came accompanied by monk Maximos, Moussa and Bassili. From the church of Antioch, Fr. Boules represented Bishop Joseph Zahlawy. From the Armenian Orthodox, Fr. Khoren Babouchian represented Bishop Maushegh Nardirossian.

And from the Coptic Orthodox church many fathers were present from California cities: San Francisco, San Jose and Concord, as well as from Arizona, Detroit, New Jersey, New York City, Bayonne, New Jersey.

Also, from Canada: Toronto, Hamilton, Ontario and from the UK: York, England and Brighton, England, UK.

Bishop Serapion spoke on behalf of Pope Shenouda. He mentioned that H.H. Pope Shenouda couldn't be there in person for special reasons, yet he had a long relation to the late Bishop Karas who ministered at the Papal Residence at St. Bishoy Monastery and was sent with other monks to revive monastic life at St Anthony Monastery in California. Bishop Serapion mentioned his many virtues and how he endured pain for more than 3 years.

Then Metropolitan Yudjin (Syrian Orthodox) expressed his sorrow for the departure of one of our Lord's servants and said that the Coptic and Syrian churches are sister churches. And their pains are also ours. He presented condolences on behalf of his church.

Then Bishop Youssef talked about the virtues of simplicity, humility and love that characterised the late Bishop Karas. And despite the illness, and unbearable pains, his tender smile never separated his face. He also mentioned that his prayers were listened by our Lord and said that he (Bishop Youssef) experienced its power. Then Bishop David spoke saying that we are strangers in this world and our real home is heaven. At last, Fr. Moussa St-Anthony read some spiritual monastic words written by the late Bishop Karas.

The sarcophagus where the body was laid was processed through the apse of the church while deacons chanted requiem Coptic Hymns. The party drove to the Holy Cross Cemetery where the box and roses went down in the earth among hymns. This was attended by hundreds and may be more than a thousand person who knew Bishop Karas and loved him much.

Coptic hymns and readings were chanted in joyful tunes as it was the second day of Epiphany and the Feast of Cana of Galilee.

[edit] Keraza (Coptic Magazine from Cairo, Egypt) Article

In the dawn of Thursday 17th January 2002, the gentle and kind bishop, beloved by all departed. Bishop Karas, the abbot of St Anthony Monastery in California departed after a long struggle with cancer that began in the lungs and extended to reach the bones till it reached the skull among many other parts of his body.

For four years, he did endure the pain with great patience. He was first rushed to hospital and remained under treatment at the City of Hope Clinic in Los Angeles. Physicians expected his death within 6 months and were stunned that his life prolonged throughout those years. They wondered how he fasted and celebrated liturgies that sometimes lasted for 3 hours. They called it a miracle. A physician told him one day that he carries a heavy cross, yet carried it with him and made it light.

The Pope visited him several times as well as his confession father, H.G. Bishop Serapamon(Bishop of the Monastery of St. Bishoy, Wadi-El-Natrun) and many other church fathers and people who loved him very much. Many people; indeed, were inspired by his simplicity, smiling face, tenderness and gentleness. Others were impressed by his ministry in the monastery where he constructed buildings, monk cells, retreat house and planted a small press to publish a newsletter.

In addition to the incurable illness he had, he was hit by cerebrum thrombus to enter into a partial and then complete coma. Many people rushed to hospital to be beside him amongst was his brother in flesh Fr Sorial Sorial priest of St George and St Shenouda in Jersey City,New Jersey.

At the end, his flesh rested in peace from pains that he endured for long. His departure had an echo of sorrow not only through the USA but in all immigration countries and among many people that loved him much.

On Sunday January 20, 2002, in the evening, his body was set at t Mark Church, LA that people might pay a last farewell. On the morning of Monday January 21st, the funeral was officiated by Bishops Serapion, Macarius the Eritrean, Yohanna, Youssef, Maximos and David along with a number of priests. He was buried at the Holy Cross Cemetery temporarily till a cemetery would be constructed at St Anthony's monastery and required official arrangements would take place that his body would be beside his sons, the monks and the faithful.

May the Lord grant rest to his soul in the paradise of joy and grant condolence to everybody who knew him. Our condolence also to his monastery and family. His departure is indeed a great loss for this land where he lived. Yet we are assured that his prayers would accompany us all.

[edit] A Message from His Grace Bishop Moussa, Bishopric of Youth Affairs

A Message from the Bishopric of Youth Affairs to the Monastery of St. Antony the Great.

A face of light, a loving heart, a pious Bishop, a pure Monk, Abba Karas has departed from us, to Paradise. He was a rare example of the simplicity of Christ and His forbearance, of a holy and pure life, and of true monasticism in its angelic traits.

He departed from us after having given numerous testimonies to Christ Whom he loved, to the Monastery which he served, and to the Church to which he belonged:

1. The Testimony of Holiness: We saw in him only self giving, profound purity, serene humility, and a faithful monastic life.

2. The Testimony of Asceticism: He was dead to the world, loving God, dedicated to the heart, for the glory of Him Who loved him and saved him.

3. The Testimony of Purity: He was united to the Lord by an exceedingly spiritual love.

4. The Testimony of Giving: His gave his whole heart to God, to the Fathers, the Monks, and to all the members of Christ's body.

5. The Testimony of Suffering: He endured the terminal illness with rare patience, with exemplary resignation, and with remarkable fortitude.

Blessed are you, beloved Father, for you have fought the good fight, you have completed your endeavor, you have maintained the faith, and now you have received the crown of righteousness.

Our condolences to the shepherd of the shepherds, who loved you with all his heart and cared for you in your illness. Our condolences to the Holy Synod, to the beloved Monastery, and to us all.

May the prayers of H.G. the pure thrice, blessed Bishop Karas be with us all. Amen.

[edit] Pictures of Bishop Karas

[edit] External links