Biological Innovation for Open Society
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Biological Innovation for Open Society (also referred to as BiOS) is an open-source initiative in biotechnology aiming to apply open license for biological innovation.
The BiOS Initiative is fundamentally an effort to develop new innovation systems for market failures and for neglected priorities.
BiOS holds to a 3-D philosophy espoused by its founding institute, CAMBIA [1].
[edit] Principle
Democratize, Decentralize and Diversify. These basic tenets of social, economic, and environmental responsibility can equally be applied to the harnessing of science and human creativity for improving the quality of life, and for promoting sound business and prosperous communities.
Design, Develop, Disseminate. Grand philosophical ambitions must be grounded with practical tools for achieving the goals in meaningful timeframe. The communications and information technology revolutions afford a unique ability to harvest and share information, knowledge and wisdom within and between communities that have been marginalized or inadequately served.
In so doing, we greatly multiply the potential for public good. However, to do so requires paradigmatic shifts in the culture of innovation, law, capital, intellectual property and indeed of business.
The BIOS initiative will foster democratic innovation in the application of biological technologies, through the merging of:
- intellectual property informatics and analysis,
- innovation system structural reform, and
- cooperative open access technology development activities.