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Bio-Drones are a fictional robotic device featured in the DOS/Windows game series X-COM.

Fast, tough, and deadly, just about sums up the Bio Drone. Found almost exclusively in the company of Lobster Men or Tasoth, these vile constructions are used as frightningly effective terror weapons.

Able to navigate the smallest of corridors and hover at any level of the battlefield, these little terrors can be very frustrating to fight. Their armour is rather tough and they have quite a lot of health meaning they can take quite a beating, coupled with very high MC resistance, and superb accuracy for its built-in cannon makes the Bio Drone very difficult to attack.

Bio Drones cannot use conventional weaponry, instead they use an integrated Auditory Disruptor with similar effects to a Sonic Cannon. The Disruptor is wielded with lethal efficiency as the Drone's high reactions often allow it to return fire with lightning speed.

When A Drone finally succumbs to weapons fire, its chassis disintegrates and its power source loses stability and explodes violently obliterating a large area immediately surrounding the fallen creature. The only exception, is when it is defeated using hand-to-hand combat - the Drone will collapse without detonating.

Frequently, the passage of Bio Drones may be tracked by following the scorch marks and/or flames left by its propulsion system.

NOTE: If you attempt to capture a Bio Drone for research purposes, you will NEED to use a Tazer to ensure success, as Shok Bombs will destabilise its power source.

The alien races of X-COM
X-COM: UFO Defense X-COM: Terror from the Deep X-COM: Apocalypse
Sectoid | Snakeman | Ethereal | Muton | Floater | Celatid | Silacoid | Chryssalid | Reaper | Sectopod | Cyberdisc Aquatoid | Gill Man | Lobster Man | Tasoth | Calcinite | Deep One | Bio-Drone | Tentaculat | Triscene | Hallucinoid | Xarquid Alien Egg | Brainsucker | Multiworm | Hyperworms | Chrysalis | Anthropod | Psimorph | Spitter | Megaspawn | Popper | Skeletoid | Micronoid | Queenspawn | Overspawn