Talk:Binary heap

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So is it O(n log n) or O(n) after all ? Sorting can't be O(n), but we aren't really doing full sorting here. Taw 00:35 Dec 12, 2002 (UTC)


It appears offhand to me that this should make this process take O(n lg n) time, but all the references I can find say it's O(n), although I can't understand their proofs. Once you have a heap, you can quickly find the node with the greatest value in it; it will be the node at the root of the tree. If you want to remove this node (as is necessary for a priority queue), in the array representation, you can swap that node's value with the value of the last node in the array (node 11 in the above example), shorten the array by 1 (removing that last node from the heap), and then restore the heap property, which still holds everywhere but at the top of the heap. The value at the top of the tree is now less than at least one of its children; swap it with the greater of its two children, and the heap property will be true at the top, but now possibly not where the top node was just swapped to; so you have to repeat the process until it is greater than either of its two children, which probably means until it reaches the bottom of the heap --- up to lg n swaps.

So removing the largest node from a heap takes O(lg n) steps.

Swapping elements to adjust the heap is inefficient. Each element moves towards the top of the heap at most one place, in each sift-down operation. The difference is the same as the difference between bubble sort and insertion sort; instead of adjusting K ~= lg(N) elements with K-1 swaps (and 3*K-3 moves in all), K+1 moves will suffice. The Heapsort example in Knuth "Art of Programming" Vol II uses insertion to do the sift-down, rather than exchanging.

In the exercises after the discussion of Heapsort, Knuth vol. II also mentions "bottom-up" heap insertion (doubtless much better than I can, but here goes...):

While it is common to implement a binary heap as outlined in the article, reinsertion into a heap (replacing the value at the top of the heap with another, while preserving the heap property) can be done with rather fewer comparisons, on average. Instead of comparing the replacement value with elements in the array "on the way down", we assume all the elements will have to be moved (saving a comparison at each level of the heap), insert the element at the bottom of the heap, and then search "back up the way we came down" for the place it belongs ("spending", on average, about two additional comparisons and one additional move). Instead of

slightly less than 2 * lg(N) comparisons and slightly less than lg(N) moves,

bottom-up reinsertion requires

slightly more than lg(N) comparisons and slightly more than lg(N) moves. Using inserts rather than exchanges to adjust the heap, and implementing bottom-up reinsertion, Heapsort (see the Heapsort article) can compete with Quicksort (unless locality of reference is a major factor, or if parallel processing hardware is available) particularly if the compiler or interpreter is poor. If the compiler is good Quicksort still wins comfortably.

Are you talking about insertions or deletions? You seem to be describing a deletion algorithm, but you keep talking about "reinsertions", and I'm really not sure what you mean by that. If you are describing an improved deletion algorithm, I don't think that you'd see much improvement -- it looks to me that you'll only save yourself one swap when acting on a heap in an array. I suppose what you describe might help if you used a simple binary tree to represent the heap, but it seems to me that you could easily end up with an unbalanced tree with your algorithm. And, of course, a heap implemented with binary trees isn't of any help when writing heapsort. Could you try to explain the algorithm better, or provide a link?-- 17:21, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Yes, I'm having trouble understanding this method as well. I think I might have a handle on how it works; let me see if I have it right (I'm using "node" loosely, not necessarily designating a separate data object linked by pointers/references):
  1. We remove the node at the top of the heap, as in the traditional heap deletion procedure.
  2. We remove the last node of the heap, as in the traditional heap deletion procedure.
  3. Instead of moving this node into the place vacated by the just-removed node, and calling heap-down (the traditional implementation), we trade the last node of the heap for the node that was, until just now, that node's parent, and call heap-down on it.
  4. We still have a node that was removed from the heap, but now it is a different node. Again, we trade this node for the node that was, until just now, its parent, and call heap-down on it. If the "parent" is in fact the empty space where the top value was just removed, we place the node in that top space, restoring the shape property, and call heap-down one last time.
Is this essentially correct? -- Antaeus Feldspar 30 June 2005 00:56 (UTC)

"It can be seen as a binary tree with the additional constraint that each node is larger than all its children (for a max-heap) or smaller than all its children (for a min-heap)" - I believe heaps must also satisfy the property that they are complete trees. That is the lowest level of the tree must be filled from left to right

[edit] k-ary heap

Can you guys make some pages for "k-ary heap"? I like this "binary heap" page, but I also wish to see some information for "k-ary heap". Thanks, everyone..

Don't want to be offensive, but the ASCII art sketch kinda sucks :) -- 13:12, 8 November 2005 (UTC)