Billy (Billy and Mandy)

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First appearance Meet the Reaper
Age 12
Family Harold (dad), Gladys (mom)
Relatives His Aunt Sis, Nergal, Nergal Junior
Portrayed by Richard Steven Horvitz
Created by Maxwell Atoms

Billy is a title character from the animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. He is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz.

[edit] Behaviour

[edit] Habits and I.Q.

Billy is an astonishingly incompetent red-headed child with an absurdly oversized nose, and an I.Q. of -5, which is even lower than being mentally retarded. Like his father, he has a number of unpleasant habits, including nose-picking, flatulence, male chauvinism, eating feces, and unapologetic idiocy. Prone to surprising (if nonsensical) fits of rage that even scare Grim and Mandy (My Peeps, Attack of the Clowns.) He is extremely hyperactive, with a knack for causing all kinds of disasters and ending up in various parallel dimensions, usually by experimenting with Grim's various supernatural items in Grim's chest.

The most obvious fact about Billy is his stupidity. Billy is so incredibly dull that a brain-eating meteorite couldn't find anything to eat (Little Rock of Horror) and so sent him off as its servant to gather "those with brains in their heads"; he attempts to eat himself when he is turned into chocolate (Chocolate Sailor) (which leaves him with only a head) despite multiple warnings not to do so; and he totally ignores a massive battle between a titanic, gargoyle-like Mrs. Claus and Mandy while walking through to deliver an antidote to Santa (Billy and Mandy Save Christmas). Billy forgets what's happening in almost every episode, and he almost never knows what is going on around him. For example, he will often ignore bolts of magical energy flying around his head simply because he found something shiny, slimy, weird to play with, or something that slightly looks like candy; he has an extreme fear of trivial things like clowns or bugs, but he can be calm when he is being kidnapped by the CIA or a giant evil meteorite is trying to suck his brain. Billy sees the world around him in a very different way, meaning his behavior can be completely unpredictable.

Billy has many odd, meaningless, and often dangerous antics. He has a fondness for video games (as seen in My Peeps and Beasts and Barbarians), a tendency to eat gut-busting junk food, and an incredible talent for absorbing things that he sees on television and video-games, often confusing them with the reality. For example, in the episode Super Zero, after watching his favourite superhero's show, he imagines that he has superpowers and acts out finishing scene of the show (including the commercials for a strawberry yogurt). He can watch a turned-off TV, laundry washing machine or even a paint drying like he is watching a television show. Billy has a remarkable ability for getting into trouble and ending up in places as far away as the alternate universe in Mighty Moe's beard to the far depths of outer space (where he was a yogurt-shooting superhero). He has a propensity for digging into Grim's trunk, and his cat Milkshakes's "secret hut", a.k.a litter box.

[edit] "Ignorance is Bliss"

His stupidity frequently leads to all kinds of disasters, but he often confirms that "ignorance is bliss" - Billy's blindess is surprisingly helpful to him, as it allowes him to ignore punishment (both physical and mental) that would be quite serious to anyone else. Because of it, Billy is surprisingly good in a fight, as he is durable and can do many strange things to survive violent and dangerous situations. It also gives him surprising insight into the nature of various things, and he can often suggest "dumbed-down" solutions that both Grim and Mandy would have ignored. His greatest contribution may be his ability to distract others; the sheer strangeness of Billy's actions (which includes pie-chasing, dog-running, and other bizarre pursuits) can often distract villains long enough for Mandy or Grim to enact whatever plan they are concocting. It should be noted that Billy is smart enough to recongonize that, in Son of Nergal, Juniors impression of Mandy is wrong.

[edit] "Angry Billy"

Billy had an irrational fear of clowns, which he overcame after a conversation with his "Inner Frat Boy" in the episode Attack of the Clowns, leading him to attack anything even half-clownlike (including Grim and Mandy, who were wearing clown suits at the time) with extreme violence. In fact, violence is part of the core of Billy; his rages, surprising and bizarre as they are, seem to have a massive positive effect on his I.Q. and give him the ability to perform super-human feats. These rages, which can spark because he is afraid or for seemingly no reason at all, give Billy incredible endurance and a shift away from "happy" Billy (his normally idiotic self) to "angry" Billy (his voice even changes in the shifts, becoming lower and more guttural). He will attack the thing that makes him angry very violently. "Angry" Billy may be Billy's way of keeping up with his two friends; Grim is Death and Mandy is, well, Mandy. To keep up with these two superhumanly-powered beings, Billy may well have decided to go nuts. When Billy gets seriously angry, we can sometimes see his nostrils flaring when most of the time they are not visible at all, and sometimes he emmites a clicking noise from his teeth when aggitated.

The "Angry Billy" can often be seen in episodes with Jeff the Spider, the supposed Billy's son. Billy's is very violent towards him and attacks him on the sight, smashing him with furniture and jabbing with big sticks. He behaves similiar to any spider he sees, so it's safe to assume he has an extreme case of arachnophobia.

[edit] Pets

Billy has or had many pets, and the way he treats them illustrates his incompetence to do anything. In the episode Keeper of the Reaper, Mandy referenced to many Billy's pets from the past, and brought several of them to testify how Billy treated them. Li'L Porkchop (Who has an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent) said that he was Billy's pet for only 11 minutes (the length of the episode), and that he still has nightmares from them. She also referenced to Wiggy Jiggy Jed from the episode Dream Mutt, but Billy said that it doesn't count - "I had a good reason! He bored me!" (even though he actually destroyed him because he made a doomsday machine to steal all the beds in the world).

  • Milkshakes: Billy has a cute small pink cat called Milkshakes which is often a target for supernatural occurrences - it was possessed by Grim, and later Mandy (Get Out of My Head), made intelligent by a bookworm (Smarten Up), blown up by a living action figure (Toys Will Be Toys), eaten by a clown-monster (Attack of the Clowns), and many other strange things. Her meow is done by Grey DeLisle.
  • Chupacabra: In Aren't You Chupacabra To See Me?, he had a Chupacabra, named Daisy, obtained from a cursed video tape. He couldn't control "Daisy", so Grim and Mandy had to convince him to get rid of her.
  • Li'l Porkchop: In Li'l Porkchop, he got a pathetically small fish Li'l Porkchop, which was hardly breathing. Grim turned Li'l Porkchop into a giant-mutant fish with his powers, which acted and shared the same accent with Arnold schwarzenegger.
  • Irwin the Werewolf: In Tween Wolf, he adopted a werewolf, thinking that it is a puppy. The werewolf was actually his friend Irwin. Irwin, although a werewolf, behaved greatly, and Billy entered him on Endsville annual Dog Show.
  • Wiggy Jiggy Jed: In Dream Mutt he had a dog, which Grim created by combining four dogs (all females). He was named Wiggy Jiggy Jed, but his real name is Sir William Wexell Wingding Whizzlebang the Third. He was destroyed because he tried to steal every bed on Earth.
  • Admiral Wolverine Lightning Bolt: In Billy and Mandy vs. the Martians, he got a calot (martian dog), named "Admiral Wolverine Lightning Bolt" because "those are the coolest words in the universe!". Admiral Wolverine Lightning Bolt helped Billy and Mandy to fight off the Martian zombies. At the end of the episode he stayed with them on Earth, but hasn't appeared since then.
  • Mr. Snuggles: He had, and still has a sick old hamster Mr. Snuggles. In Meet the Reaper, the first episode, he and Mandy had a bet with the Grim Reaper over hamster's soul. They won, and the Grim Reaper is now their best friend forever. Since then, the hamster has been seen several times.

[edit] Jeff the Spider

Main article: Jeff the Spider

Billy is also a father; his "son" is a giant spider named Jeff, who thinks that Billy is his father as Billy hatched his egg, thinking that he will get a giant duck (The Crawling Niceness). This is rather ironic, seeing how Billy suffers from extreme arachnophobia. Jeff is quite soft-spoken, and nobody wonders why Jeff ended up so nice as the major role model in his life has been Billy. In the episode Jeffy's Web, it is implyed that Jeff is a female as he born hundreds of baby spiders, despite having a rather masculine voice. Jeff's love for Billy is fanatic, and he can't realize or doesn't want to realize that Billy hates him to the point of madness. Mandy refers to Billy as "your dorko-dad" when around Jeff. In the episode Keeper of the Reaper, Mandy brought Jeff as a witness in the Underworld court to testify about his relationship with Billy, which illustrates Billy's incompetentce.

[edit] See also