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Bialy is a small roll named for the city of Białystok in Poland. A traditional bialy has a diameter of up to 15 cm (6 inches) and is a chewy yeast roll similar to a bagel. Unlike a bagel, a bialy is not boiled; rather, it is simply baked (bagels are boiled before baking), and instead of a hole in the middle it has a depression. Before baking, this depression is filled with diced onions and other ingredients, including (depending on the recipe) garlic, poppy seeds, or bread crumbs.
The name bialy is short for bialystoker kuchen (Bialystok's Cake). The bialy is little known outside of New York City, where it was originally brought into the United States by Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The bialy was first marketed in the United States during the early 1900s in the state of New York by Harry Cohen, a proprietor of a bagel (and later bialy) establishment. Now, there is a single bialys bakery in Manhattan's, Kossar's Bialys, founded by Morris Kossar in 1936.
[edit] Trivia
- On the TV series The Sopranos, the bialy is a favorite of Tony Soprano.