Bharati Tirtha

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Shri Bharati Theertha Swamigal (born, 11th April 1951 as Sitaramanjaneyulu) is the Jagadguru and Shankaracharya of the Advaitic Sringeri Sharada Peetham. Born in Andhra Pradesh, he became a disciple of Shri Abhinava Vidya Theertha Swamigal and was later appointed as head of the math.The math he heads, has a large following among the Vedic Community.

As a child, he was proficient in Sanskrit, and was committed to learning the Vedas. He requested his father not to burden him with Modern Education, wanting instead to dedicate his life to Vedic Study. His father who allowed him to study the Vedas, was not sure if a dedicated study would be feasible. In any case the young boy, impressed the Seer (Abhinava Vidya Theertha) of Sringeri, with his proficiency in Sanskrit, when he got an opportunity to meet him. The Guru decided to accept the boy in the Veda Pathashala at Sringeri. His father agreed to send him there. Here he got opportunity to attend classes given by the senior seer himself. He excelled in his studies more than anyone else, and was known for his dedication to the principles of Brahmacharya. The Seer then appointed the boy as his successor. After initiation into Sanyasa, the young man meticulously followed the instructions of his Guru and impressed everyone with his Knowledge and Understanding. Swamigal spent huge amount time on meditation and was called as Tapas Chakravarty.

Swamigal is a quiet and non controversial person. In spite of being the head of one of the most prestigious mutts in India, he does not advertise himself or his organisation, but rather spends his time contemplating on God. He is a guide for all those who want to learn from him.

[edit] Sri Bharatitirtha Gururajashtakam

K. K. Sankaran (Courtesy

SrI SaradApITha virAjamAna jagadgurUNAm caraNe lasantam SrI SankarAcArya navAvatAra SrI bhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

I prostrate before my preceptor Sri Bharati Tirtha Swami who is ever inclined to worship the lotus feet of the Jagadgurus of Sringeri who adorned the illustrious Sringeri Sarada Peetham, and who is verily hailed as the reincarnation of Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada.

tIrthANi sarvANi ca tIrthayantam vidyAsutIrthAkhya gurum namantam SrI TungabhadrAtaTinIm vasantam SrI bhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

May my humble prostrations be acceptable to my Guru Sri Bharati Tirtha Swami, who has sanctified the holy tirthas by his sacred footprints, who always prostrates before his illustrious preceptor Sri Abhinava Vidya Tirtha Mahasannidhanam, and who resides on the banks of the river Tungabhadra.

mImAmsakAnAm mudamAvahantam vidyAvinodena sukhIbhavantam nyAyAdiSAstre parinishThitam tam SrI bhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

I worship my Acharya Sri Bharati Tirtha Swami, who delights the Meemamsakas in the assembly of scholars with his marvelous renditions of Jaimini Sutras, Sabara Bhashya and Kumarila Bhatta’s ….. revels in the knowledge of Sastras with immense pleasure being verily a veteran in Sastras – Nyaya, Vyakarana, Meemamsa, Vaisesika, Samkhya and Vedanta and other allied branches of spiritual knowledge.

gurvarpitAjnAmanupAlayantam svAnte nitAntam svagurUn nityam smarantam paramAtmarUpam SrI bhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

I bow down at the sacred feet of the renowned world teacher Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswami who strictly abides by the divine command of his guru, and follows in his footsteps diligently, and always meditates on him, and whose mind is ever absorbed in the Paramatman.

rajAdhirAjAdisamarcyamAnam mAyAm mahAjAlamayAm tyajantam IsAnghripadme satatam ramantam Sri BhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

I seek shelter in the divine sandals of my preceptor Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Swami, who is worshipped by kings, monarchs and ministers, who has completely cast off the great delusion called Maya and who blissfully enjoys at the sacred feet of Lord Paramasiva.

tungAnadItIravihAracittam Sri Chandramoulim hrudi bhAvayantam sarvam cideveti vilokayantam SrI bhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

Sashtanga Pranams at the lotus feet of the exalted Holiness Sri Bharati Tirtha Maharaj who takes immense pleasure in roaming about on the banks of the sacred Tunga river, and who keeps in his heart the form of Lord Chandramouleeswara and who sees the entire universe as the supreme Brahman.

kashAyavastreNa karAtta NDa kamaNDalubhyAm japamAlayA ca rudrAkshamAlyaihi pariSobhamAnam Sri BhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

May my humble Namaskarams be acceptable to the great Acharya Sri Bharati Tirtha Yatindra, who shines brilliantly with the supreme effulgence of the saffron robe, the holy danda, the water pot, the rosary, and above all, the garland of Rudraksha.

vedAntavAkyAni sadoccarantam svIyAni nAmAni yathArthayantam aharniSam dhyAtaparamAtmarUpam SrI bhAratItIrthagurum namAmi.

I humbly offer my worship to my guru Sri Bharati Tirtha Sri Sannidhanam, who always utters the Mahavakyas, who justifies his name by his actions, and who constantly meditates on the "Paramatma Tattva" – the supreme reality.

SrI bhAratItIrthagurUttamasya stotrAshTakam yaha paThet manushyaha vidyAm sukham AyuranantakIrtim labdhvA sa bhUyAdakhileshTasiddhihi.

May ever lasting happiness, supreme knowledge, long life and world fame, attend constantly on those who recite daily these eight verses of the world preceptor, Sri Bharati Tirtha Swamiji, and let all siddhis attend on the one who meditates on the Jagadguru.

Iti SrI BhAratItIrtha gururAjAshTakam sampUrNam.

This concludes the eight verses on the noblest of gurus, Sri Bharati Tirtha Swamiji.

AcAryavaryAnna hi daivamanyad- AcAryadevo bhava vedavAkyam tasmAnmamAyam gurureva devam sa eva sAkshAt puratostu nityam.

There is no God other than the great preceptor Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswami. The Vedas proclaim unequivocally, "Treat your preceptor as God." Hence my Acharya and king among ascetics, Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji alone is supreme God to me. May the divine Acharya and preceptor among preceptors, be visible to my naked eye, may the Jagadguru give darshan to me daily.

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
Abhinava Vidyatirtha
Jagadguru of Sringeri Sharada Peetham
1989 – present