Bevara Sverige Svenskt

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Bevara Sverige Svenskt (BSS), which in English basically means "Keep Sweden Swedish," was a Swedish nationalist political movement. Its stated objective was to initiate a debate in order to reduce immigration from non-European countries and repatriate non-ethnic Swedes. Founded in 1979, BSS was at first involved in abortive election co-operation with Sverigepartiet. In 1986 it joined with populist Framstegspartiet, which later evolved into Sverigedemokraterna. Although its membership was always quite small, BSS represented the first organized attempt to reduce immigration and as a result received massive media attention.

Claiming not to be racists, their often aggressive sticker campaigns arguably spoke a different language with slogans such as "Låt inte din dotter bli en negerleksak" (Don't let your daughter become a negro toy) and "Negrer hotar sina offer" (Negros threaten their victims).[1]

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