Bernard Lazare

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Bernard Lazare
Bernard Lazare

Bernard Lazare (15 June 1865 - 1 September 1903) was a literary critic, political journalist, anarchist and polemist. He was also the among the first Dreyfusards.


[edit] Youth

Born Lazare Marcus Manassé Bernard (he later switched his first name and last name) he was born in Nimes on 15 June 1865. He was the eldest of four sons of Jonas Bernard and Douce Noémie Rouget. This bourgeois family had introduced the Jacquard loom to Toulouse and founded one of the first (and very successful) textile mills producing draperies and passementeries. The family was Jewish, and although not very religious still celebrated the traditional holidays.

Lazare Bernard received his baccalauréat in science, but his passion lay in literature, a passion which he shared with his friend, the poet Ephraïm Mikhaël. It was Mikhaël who, while studying in Paris at the École des Chartes encouraged Bernard to join him and conquer the literary world. Lazare arrived in Paris in 1886, the year in which Edouard Drumont’s "Jewish France" (La France Juive) was published. Lazare signed up to the Ecole pratique des hautes etudes (Practical School of Higher Studies). He attended lectures by the abbot Louis Duchesne, for whom the Catholic Institute of Paris created a chair of History of the Church. Lazare’s rigour and insistence on precision, his ability to call into question supposedly established facts had undoubtedly influenced Duchesne, whose History of the Ancient Church (l’Histoire de l’église ancienne) was placed on the Papal index and who reproached Lazare for writing like a "historian" and not a "theologian".

In 1888, together with Ephraïm Mikhaël he wrote La Fiancée de Corinthe, a mythological drama in three acts, where he first adopted his nom de plume, Bernard Lazare. Two years later Ephraïm Mikhaël died of tuberculosis. It is around this time that Lazare became actively engaged in anarchism. Although he never took "direct action" he always continued to support its ideals and his "comrades", whose publications and legal defences he financed. It was as an anarchist that he became a literary critic and journalist (his articles were later published in several collections), in 1895 covering the miner’s revolt in Carmaux for the Echo de Paris. In 1896 he attended the Socialist Congress in London, denouncing Karl Marx as "a jealous authoritarian, unfaithful to his own ideas, driving the Internationale away from its goals".

[edit] Dreyfus Affair

From 1892 onwards he was in contact with Achad Ha’am, one of the founders of the Lovers of Zion (Hovevei Tsyion) movement. In the spring of 1894 he published Anti-semitism, its History and Causes (l’Antisématisme, son histoire est ses cause), an in-depth study and critique of the origins of anti-semitism. It was published within a few months of the arrest of Capitan Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish army officer accused of treason. Having a reputation for combatativness and courage, Bernard Lazare was contacted by Mathieu Dreyfus to help prove his brother’s innocence.

Lazare devoted his time exclusively to the case. He published his first paper, The Dreyfus Affair – A Miscarriage of Justice in Belgium in November 1896; it was in effect a complete rewrite of an earlier text which he had written at Mathieu’s request in the summer of 1895. Basing it on an article in "l’Eclair" from the 15 September 1896 edition which revealed the illegality of the trial of 1984, Lazare refuted the accusation point by point and demanded the sentence be overturned. This tactic conformed more to the wishes of the Dreyfus family, as the first version of the text was a savage attack on the accusers, ending with the phrase "J’accuse", later made famous by Émile Zola.

Due to this experience with anti-Semitism Lazare went from being a Jewish French Nationalist to being a Jewish Nationalist, without giving up his anarchist ideals. He travelled with Theodor Herzl, the two men sharing a great respect for each other, but he fell out with Herzel after a disagreement over the project whose "tendencies, processes and actions" he disapproved. In 1899 he wrote to Herzl – and by extension to the Zionist Action Committee, "You are bourgeois in thoughts, bourgeois in your feelings, bourgeois in your ideas, bourgeois in your conception of society." Despite this he continued to support Jews in his own way. He visited Romania, after which he denounced the terrible fate of Romanian Jews in "L’Aurore", written in July and August 1900. He also visited Russia where he reported on the dangers facing Jews there, but did not have a chance to publish due to illness.

Lazare also engaged in support of the Armenians then undergoing persecution by the Turks, and in 1898 writing in "Pro Armenia" did not hesitate to denounce the "Sioniste de Bâle" congress which had publicly honoured sultan Abdülhamid II; "Representatives of the oldest of persecuted peoples, whose history cannot be written, but in blood, send their salutations to the worst of assassins".

Soon Dreyfusardes censored him and he could no longer write for "l’Aurore" after the Rennes trial. He covered the trial anyway and sent his vitriolic accounts to two American journals, The Chicago Record and The North American Review.

He died on 1 September 1903, aged 38, following an operation for colon cancer. He left an unedited Manuscript, Job’s manure (Le fumier de Job), and authorised the republication of Anti-semitism, its History and Causes, on the condition that the preface state "my opinions have changed on many points".

[edit] Bibliography

  • L’antisémitisme son histoire et ses causes (1894 – Léon Chailley Ed.)[1] Online
  • L’affaire Dreyfus – Une erreur judiciaire – Edition établie par Ph. Oriol, - Ed. Allia (1993)
  • Le fumier de Job – Texte établi par Ph. Oriol - Ed. Honoré Champion (1998)
  • Juifs et antisémites – Edition établie par Ph. Oriol – Ed. Allia (1992)

[edit] References

  • Bernard Lazare Anarchiste et nationaliste juif – Textes réunis par Ph. Oriol – Ed. Honoré Champion (1999)
  • Bernard Lazare – de l’anarchiste au prophète – J-D Bredin – Ed. fallois (1992)
  • Bernard Lazare – Ph. Oriol – Stock (2003
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