Bernard Cohen

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Professor Bernard Cohen is Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Pittsburgh.

When Ralph Nader described plutonium as "the most toxic substance known to mankind", Cohen, then a tenured professor, offered to consume on camera as much plutonium oxide as Nader could consume of caffeine, the stimulant found in coffee and other beverages, which in its pure form has an estimated LD50 of 13-19 grams for an adult human. Professor Cohen maintained that the radioactive substance would pass through his intestinal tract unabsorbed.

Professor Cohen has written at least five books, the most widely known of which is The Nuclear Energy Option (1990). Although published as a hardcover, the full text is also available online.

Other books he has written include Heart of the Atom (1967), Concepts of Nuclear Physics (1970), Nuclear Science and Society (1974), and Before It's Too Late (1983), from which some chapters of The Nuclear Energy Option were based.

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