Bereavement benefit

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Bereavement benefit replaced Widows benefit in the United Kingdom in April 2001. It is a social security benefit that is designed to support people who have recently lost their spouse, and need some financial support to help them get back on their feet. A similar benefit is provided in Malta in accordance to the Widows and Orphans Pension Act of 1927.

The qualifying conditions are as follows:

It is required that the deceased and the claimant be married at the time of death.

Bereavement benefit consists of 2 parts, firstly:

1. Bereavement payment of £2000 which is a one off tax free lump sum payable if the deceased spouse has paid 25 National Insurance contributions.

Secondly the succeeding benefit, of which there is 3 main types:

1. Bereavement allowance, which is payable to widow(er)s aged 55 and over at the time of being widowed. This runs for 52 weeks or until the customer reaches Retirement age (whichever is sooner). The amount payable is dependent upon the deceased spouses National Insurance contributions.

2. Bereavement allowance age related, which is payable to widow(er)s aged 45 to 54 at the time of being widowed. This runs for 52 weeks or until the customer reaches Retirement age (whichever is sooner). The amount payable is dependent upon an age related % of the deceased spouses National Insurance contributions.

3. Widowed parents allowance. This is payable to widow(er)s who have dependent children whom they are in receipt of child benefit for. The amount payable is dependent upon the deceased spouses NI conts plus any additional pension they may have eared. Widowed parents allowance is payable until the customer stops getting child benefit for their dependents.

None of these succeeding benefits are payable over retirement pension age. However bereavement payment of £2000 may be payable if the deceased was not in receipt of a category A retirement pension.