Benjamin Maxwell

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Captain Benjamin Maxwell, played by Bob Gunton, appears in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and is referenced in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Maxwell ruined his career by attacking the Cardassians during a time of peace, believing was rearming in preparation for war with the Federation, in violation of a peace treaty. However, no war between the Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union took place until nearly a decade later, when the Cardassian Union was under Dominion control.

[edit] USS Rutledge

Maxwell commanded the USS Rutledge in a war against the Cardassian Union. Crew members under his command included Miles O'Brien (Star Trek). While under his command, they defeated the Cardassians in a battle triggered by the Setlik III Massacre.

[edit] USS Phoenix

Following the peace treaty between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union, Captain Maxwell commanded the USS Phoenix, a Nebula-class starship. While in command of the Phoenix, Maxwell attacked and destroyed a Cardassian "scientific research" station in Cardassian space sector 21505, believing it to be a military installation. Following this unprovoked attack, Maxwell destroyed a Cardassian warship and supply ship before Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Chief Miles O'Brien could talk him into standing down.