Beltira and Belkira
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Beltira and Belkira are twin sorcerers in David Eddings' Belgariad and Malloreon series. They begin life as Alorn shepherds and became the third and fourth disciples of Aldur. Their primary task is the study and interpretation of prophecy. However, they do have other interests, for example, they instructed Polgara in cooking and are the resident beer brewers in the Vale. They are also extremely competent mathematicians. Their favorite color is white and their preferred animal form is a pair of white doves.
They are two of four of the original disciples of Aldur who are alive at the time of The Belgariad. They are known to be exceptionally gentle and patient men. This was of a necessity when they tutored Belsambar and in their later task as decipherers of the Prophecies of Light. They are extremely close, and in fact their minds are so closely connected they finish each other's sentences. Beltira and Belkira's connection was put to good use as the two of them spent many centuries deciphering the Mrin and Darine Codices. Their bond allowed them to read the prophecies at the same time and hence know when they hit a correspondence between the two. As a result, 'the Twins' usually stay in the Vale while the others go out to save the world. There have been a few exceptions to this, such as the War of the Gods, the Battle of Vo Mimbre, and the Battle of Thull Mardu in Enchanter's Endgame.