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The Belgae were a group of nations or tribes living in north-eastern Gaul, on the west bank of the Rhine, in the 1st century BC, and later also attested in Britain. They lived approximatively in the Roman province of Gallia Belgica. Their name survives in modern Belgium, where they are colloquially known as the old Belgians. The name Belgae may come from the Proto-Celtic *belo which means "bright"and is allied to English word "bale" (as in "bale-fire"), the Anglo-Saxon "bael", the Lithuanian "baltas", meaning "white" or "shining" (from which the Baltic takes its name) and Slavic "belo/bilo/bjelo/..." meaning "white" (like town names Beograd, Biograd, Bjelovar, etc all meaning "white city") (See Beltane). Thus the Gaulish god-names "Belenos" (*Bright one) and "Belisama" (probably the same divinity, originally from *belo-nos = our shining one) may also come from the same source.
An other proposed etymology of the name Belga(e) is: *bel = proto-Indo-European word for round, inflated object, in the figurative sense : circle, army, alliance, and -*ga = Gaul word for man, warrior. Bel-gae would then mean: men of the alliance. The origin of the word would then be Gaulish.

Julius Caesar in his Commentarii de Bello Gallico probably created a 'greater Gaul' (for political and judicial reasons as this territory corresponded with his conquests) and divided it at the time of his conquests (58 - 51 BC) into three broad parts: the Aquitani, Galli (who in their own language were called Celtae) and Belgae, all of whom had their own customs and language. He noted that the Belgae, being furthest from the developed civilisation of Rome and closest to the Germanic people, were the bravest Horum omnium , of those all [3 parts] , because "merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind" (Commentarii de Bello Gallico, 1.1). This phrase would later be interpreted as "The Belgians were the bravest amongst the Gauls". Horium omnium does not necessarily refers to Gauls, or, not all Belgae were Gauls.


[edit] Origins of the Belgae

Questions of origins concern both mythographers and historians; between the two, the medieval Gesta Treverorum compiled by monks of Trier asserted that the Belgae were descendants of a legendary founder of Trier, "Trebata", otherwise unattested. Whether the Belgae were Celts or Germanic tribes occupied nineteenth- and early twentieth-century historians. Caesar's sources informed him "that the greater part of the Belgae were sprung from the Germans, and that, having crossed the Rhine at an early period, they had settled there, on account of the fertility of the country," (Commentarii de Bello Gallico 2.4) However, most of the tribal and personal names recorded are identifiably Celtic. This was probably the result of a strong Gallic influence. The Belgae were well within the Celtic cultural world, and this includes the German-speaking north. In any case, the Romans were not precise in their ethnography of northern barbarians: by "German" Caesar may simply have meant "originating east of the Rhine", with no distinction of language intended. There is however consensus that the Menapii and the Eburoni used a German language. Tacitus reported that the Nervii were of German origin too (and proud of it). Zosimus mentioned that Bononia (Boulogne-sur-mer, southwest of Calais), a city within the territory of the Morini, was 'Germanorum'. It is possible that the German-Gaul language border crossed though Belgium as it does today, and on a similar place. Despite the probable Germanic character of the north, Caesar wrote that the Belgians had a reputation in fighting the real Germans.

Tribes who belonged to the Belgae included in the Gaul south: the warlike and influential Bellovaci who took a leading role in the councils of the Belgae, the Suessiones with territories as well in Britannia, the Atrebates, Ambiani, Caleti, Veliocasses, Viromandui.
Tribes in the Germanic north were (west to east): the Morini, the Menapii, the warlike Nervii, the Eburones. Caesar says one tribe, the Atuatuci, were descended from the Germanic Cimbri and Teutones, and describes four other allied tribes, the Eburoni, the Condrusi, Caerosi and Paemani, as Germanic tribes (although Ambiorix, a later leader of the Eburones, has a Celtic name). The later mentioned Tungri could simply be an other name for Eburoni, as Caesar had officially wiped out this tribe.

The (Gaul) Remi were united with the Belgians as neighbours and allies, they reported to Caesar. Other tribes that may have been included among the Belgae were the Leuci, the (German) Treveri and Mediomatrici. Posidonius includes the Armoricani in Brittany as well.

[edit] Conquest of the Belgae

Caesar conquered the Belgae, beginning in 57 BC. He writes that the Belgae were conspiring and arming themselves in response to his earlier conquests, and in response to this threat he raised two new legions and ordered his Gallic allies the Aedui to invade the territory of the Bellovaci. Wary of the numbers and bravery of the Belgae, he initially avoided a pitched battle, resorting mainly to cavalry skirmishes to probe their strengths and weaknesses. Once he was satisfied his troops were a match for them, he made camp on a low hill protected by a marsh at the front and the river Aisne behind, near Bibrax (between modern Laon and Reims) in the territory of the Remi.

The Belgae attacked over the river, but were repulsed after a fierce battle. Realising they could not dislodge the Romans and aware of the approach of the Aedui to the lands of the Bellovaci, the Belgae decided to disband their combined force and return to their own lands. Whichever tribe Caesar attacked first, the others would come to its defence. They broke camp shortly before midnight. At daybreak, satisfied the retreat was not a trap, Caesar sent cavalry to harass the rearguard, followed by three legions, and many of the Belgae were killed.

Caesar next marched into the territory of the Suessiones and besieged the town of Noviodunum (Soissons). Seeing the Romans' siege engines, the Suessiones surrendered, and Caesar turned his attention to the Bellovaci, who had retreated into the fortress of Bratuspantium (between modern Amiens and Beauvais). They quickly surrendered, as did the Ambiani.

The Nervii, along with the Atrebates and Viromandui, decided to fight (the Atuatuci had also agreed to join them but had not yet arrived). They concealed themselves in the forests and attacked the approaching Roman column at the river Sambre. Their attack was so quick and unexpected that some of the Romans didn't have time to take the covers off their shields or even put on their helmets. The element of surprise briefly left the Romans exposed. However Caesar grabbed a shield, made his way to the front line, and quickly organised his forces. The two legions who had been guarding the baggage train at the rear arrived and helped to turn the tide of the battle. Caesar says the Nervii were almost anihilated in the battle, and is effusive in his tribute to their bravery, calling them "heroes".

The Atuatuci, who were marching to their aid, turned back on hearing of the defeat and retreated to one stronghold, were put under siege, and soon surrendered and handed over their arms. However the surrender was a ploy, and the Atuatuci, armed with weapons they had hidden, tried to break out during the night. The Romans had the advantage of position and killed four thousand. The rest, about fifty-three thousand, were sold into slavery.

In 53 BC the Eburones, led by Ambiorix, along with the Nervii, Menapii and Morini, revolted again and wiped out 15 cohorts, only to be put down by Caesar. The Belgae fought in the uprising of Vercingetorix in 52 BC.

After their final subjugation, Caesar combined the three parts of Gaul, the territory of the Belgae, Celtae and Aquitani, into a single unwieldy province (Gallia Comata, "long-haired Gaul") that was reorganized by Augustus Caesar into its traditional cultural divisions. The province of Gallia Belgica was bounded on its east by the Rhine and extended all the way from the North Sea to Lake Constance (Lacus Brigantinus), including parts of what is now western Switzerland, with its capital at the city of the Remi (Reims). Under Diocletian, Belgica Prima (capital, Augusta Trevirorum, Trier) and Belgica Secunda (capital Reims) formed part of the diocese of Gaul.

[edit] The Belgae outside Gaul

The Belgae had made their way across the English Channel into southern Britain in Caesar's time (De Bello Gallico ii:4 and v:12). Caesar tells us they had first crossed the channel as raiders, only later settling on the island.

A large number of coins of the Ambiani dating to the mid-2nd century BC have been found in southern Britain, and within memory of Caesar's time a king of the Suessiones called Diviciacus was not only the most powerful king of Belgic Gaul but also ruled territory in Britain. Commius of the Atrebates, Caesar's former ally, fled to Britain after participating in Vercingetorix's rebellion and either joined or established a British branch of his tribe. Based on the development of imagery on coins, it seems likely that, by the time of the Roman conquest, most of the tribes of south-eastern Britain were Belgic or at least ruled by a Belgic aristocracy.

The later civitates (administrative divisions) of Roman Britain included one bearing the name of the Belgae, whose towns included Magnus Portus (Portsmouth) and Venta Belgarum (Winchester).

It is possible that a branch of the Belgae also settled in Ireland, represented by the historical Builg and the mythological Fir Bolg.

[edit] References

[edit] External links