Beckley Park

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Main approach to Beckley Park manor.
Main approach to Beckley Park manor.

Beckley Park is a stately home located near the village of Beckley, in Oxfordshire, England. The house is closed to the public, although it is regularly used for photo shoots, as a film location, and for music video shoots.

[edit] History

The house was built in 1520, as a Hunting Lodge on the grounds of a Royal Saxon Castle with three moats.

[edit] Beckley Today

Beckley Park is the headquarters of the Beckley Foundation, a charitable trust that promotes the investigation of consciousness and its modulation from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is also the home of Amanda Feilding, Lady Neidpath.

The back of Beckley Park, including a view of the garden.
The back of Beckley Park, including a view of the garden.

It was used as the set for one of the opening scenes of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film) in which Frank Bryce runs through the garden to the The Riddle House. Photographers who have worked here include Mario Testino.

Approach to the house seen in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film).
Approach to the house seen in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film).

[edit] External links