Bear Creek (California)

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(Note: There are other Bear Creeks in California -- see below.)

Bear Creek in Fresno County, California joins the south fork of the San Joaquin River between Florence Lake and Edison Lake at about 7,500 foot elevation in the Kaiser Wilderness.

From Fresno one would travel up Highway 168 past Shaver Lake and Huntington Lake to the Kaiser Pass, and park at the Bear Creek diversion dam. The Bear Creek trail joins the Pacific Crest Trail in 5.5 miles at about 9,000 foot elevation. Wilderness permits may be obtained at the Kaiser Pass ranger station.

The Hilgard branch of Bear Creek originates under Bear Creek Spire 14 miles above the diversion dam at 12,000 feet. The trail leaves the Pacific Crest Trail 8 miles from the diversion dam. The creek flows under Mt Hilgard by Lake Italy just north of Italy Pass on the shoulder of Mt Julius Caesar. From Italy Pass one may hike 6 miles to the Pine Creek trailhead to emerge on Highway 395 just north of Bishop in the eastern Sierras.

The east fork of Bear Creek leaves the Pacific Crest Trail 9 miles from the diversion dam at upper Bear Creek Meadow. This fork’s origin is 13 miles above the dam at 11,500 feet elevation beneath Seven Gables Peak. It starts among the “Bear Lakes” -- Little Bear Lake, Big Bear Lake, Ursa Lake, Black Bear Lake, White Bear Lake, Bear Paw Lake, Den Lake, Claw Lake and Tooth Lake.

The South fork of Bear creek leaves the Pacific Crest Trail 10 miles from the dam and proceeds to seven Gables Lakes 13 miles from the dam at 11,000 feet.

The west fork of Bear creek follows the Pacific Crest Trail 13 miles from the dam to it’s origin at Marie Lake just below Seldon Pass.

Bear Creek is a truly beautiful portal to a very remote part of the high Sierras.

[edit] Other Bear Creeks in California

  • Mariposa County: Starting near Midpines Summit (elevation approx. 3,000 feet), Bear Creek flows alongside

Highway 140, then descends very steeply, joining the Merced River at Bagby.