Category talk:Battles by country

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Dear All,

I would like to point out a significant problem in the "Battle by Country" ( There is no rule out there and no standardized way to categorize Battles.

As of now, it seems that there is no general rule (or at least people ignore it). There are three kind of referencing battles :

  • "Battle of England"
  • "English Battles"
  • "Battle in France"

So, if I want to detail :

  • "Battle in" is pretty clear : the Battle took place on the French Territory (and to be simpler, I think we should choose to set up to the current territory).
  • Now it becomes a mess : there is a lot of confusion between "Battle of England" and "English Battles". In my opinion, the "Battle of" should be for the battles where England took place as a nation and "English Battles" should be renamed in "Battles in England" (to be coherent with the previous notations).

Instead of having two rule for naming which are pretty similar ("Battle in ###" and "### Battle"), we should standardized.

So, for example "Battles of Canada" could be split in "Battles of Canada" (for battles in which Canada fought on his own flag : WWII for example) and "Battles in Canada" (for battles which took place in Canada : between France and England for example).

"Battles of" could include Byzantine Empire, ...

Do you agree ?


Pierre.maissa 09:42, 13 August 2005 (UTC)