Battles of the Imperial Japanese Navy

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Battles of the Imperial Japanese Navy

The following are some of the battles of the Imperial Japanese Navy:


[edit] Boshin War (1868-1869):

[edit] First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895):

[edit] Japanese Occupation of Korea 1895

[edit] Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905):

[edit] World War I (1914-1918)

  • Battle of Tsingtao. Naval actions against German interests in the Far-East, in particular the capture of the Tsingtao peninsula.
  • Few ships diverted to Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea for escort duties cooperating with the British navy. In the Mediterranean, a fleet consisting of one armoured cruiser, Nisshin, and eight of the Navy's newest destroyers under Admiral Satō Kōzō, was based in Malta and efficiently protected allied shipping between Marseilles, Taranto and ports in Egypt until the end of the War.
  • Seizure of the former possessions of Germany in Micronesia (the Mariana Islands (excluding Guam), Caroline Islands and Marshall Islands).

[edit] Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945):

  • Essentially support of land action.

[edit] World War II (1941-1945):

[edit] See also