Battle of Minorca

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Battle of Minorca
Part of the Seven Years' War
Date May 20, 1756
Location Mediterranean Sea, near Minorca, present-day Spain
Result Franco-Spanish victory
Great Britain
Marquis de la Galissonnière John Byng
12 ships of the line
5 frigates
12 ships of the line
7 frigates
Unknown Possibly half of the fleet
Seven Years' War: European theatre
MinorcaLobositzReichenbergPragueKolinHastenbeckGross-JägersdorfMoysRossbachBreslauLeuthenKrefeldDomstadtlZorndorfHochkirchBergenKayMindenKunersdorfHoyerswerdaMaxenMeissenLandshutWarburgLiegnitzTorgauVillinghausen – Kolberg – Burkersdorf – Lutterberg – Freiberg

The Battle of Minorca took place on May 20, 1756, at the opening of the Seven Years' War in the European theatre, shortly after the Kingdom of Great Britain had declared war on the House of Bourbon, off the Mediterranean island of Minorca between British and French squadrons. The British defeat led to the controversial court-martial and execution of the British commander, Admiral John Byng, for "failure to do his utmost" to relieve the siege of the British garrison on Minorca. The battle marked the opening of the Seven Years' War in the European theatre.


[edit] Background

The French had been menacing the British-held garrison on Minorca, which had come under British control as a result of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1708. Great Britain and France had commenced hostilities in the New World colonies earlier in 1754 (the French and Indian War, and as at this point the conflict was not going well for Great Britain. The government was anxious to protect her presence closer to home, and was concerned that the French might even be planning to invade the British Isles themselves (as France had done in previous wars by supporting the Jacobite pretenders).

The long-expected French move on Minorca finally caused the British government to act, albeit too belatedly, and a squadron of 10 ships of the line was dispatched to its defence, under the command of John Byng (then a Vice-Admiral, but quickly promoted to Admiral for the purpose). Despite having considerable intelligence of the strength of the French fleet at Toulon that was designated for the invasion of Minorca, the ships allocated to Byng were all in a poor state of repair and undermanned.

[edit] Prelude

When Byng and his small fleet, reinforced by ships of the Minorca squadron that had escaped the island, arrived off Minorca on May 19, they found the island already overrun by French troops, with only the garrison of Fort St. Philip (Port Mahon) holding out. Byng's orders were to relieve the garrison, but a French squadron of 12 ships of the line and 5 frigates intervened as the afternoon was wearing on. The two fleets positioned themselves, and battle was drawn up on the morning of the following day.

[edit] The battle

Facing 12 French ships of the line, Byng formed his 12 largest ships into a single line of battle and approached the head of the French line on a parallel course while maintaining the weather gauge. He then ordered his ships to go about and come alongside their opposite numbers in the French fleet. However, the poor signalling capability of the times caused confusion and delay in closing. The British van took a considerable pounding from their more heavily armed French adversaries while the rear of the line, including Byng's flagship failed to come within effective cannon range. During the battle Byng displayed considerable caution and an over-reliance on standard fighting procedures, and several of his ships were seriously damaged although no ships were lost on either side. Following a Council of War, at which all the senior officers present concurred, it was agreed that the fleet stood no chance of further damaging the French ships or of relieving the garrison. Byng therefore gave orders to return to Gibraltar.

[edit] Aftermath

The battle could be considered a draw, but Byng's actions in failing to press on to relieve the garrison or further pursue the French fleet resulted in severe criticism. The Admiralty, perhaps concerned to cover for its own ill-preparedness for this disastrous venture, charged Byng for breaching the Articles of War by failing to do all he could to fulfil his orders and support the garrison. Byng was court-martialled, found guilty and sentenced to be shot; the sentence was carried out on March 14, 1757 on the battleship Monarch in Portsmouth harbor. He was buried at Southill.

Byng's execution is referred to in Voltaire's play Candide with the line "Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres." ("In this country, it is wise to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others.")

One of the participating British ships, HMS Dolphin, was later to become the first ship to circumnavigate the world twice, firstly under the command of John Byron, and secondly under Samuel Wallis.

A notable participant in the battle on the British side was an eighteen-year-old Midshipman, Arthur Phillip, who would later lead the First Fleet which in 1787 sailed for Botany Bay, Australia where in 1788 he nearby established the continent's first European settlement and penal colony of Sydney.

Ships involved:

[edit] Great Britain (Adm John Byng)

In order of their place in the line of battle:

  1. Defiance 60
  2. Portland 50
  3. Lancaster 66
  4. Buckingham 68/70 (flag 2, RAdm Temple West)
  5. Captain 64
  6. Intrepid 64
  7. Revenge 64
  8. Princess Louisa 60
  9. Trident 64
  10. Ramillies 90 (flag 1)
  11. Culloden 74
  12. Kingston 60

and 6 others including Deptford 48/50 and Dolphin 22

[edit] France (Marquis de la Galissonnière)

  1. Orphée 64
  2. Hippopotame 50
  3. Redoubtable 74
  4. Sage 64 (Durevest)
  5. Guérrier 74
  6. Fier 50 (d'Herville)
  7. Foudroyant 80 (flag)
  8. Téméraire 74
  9. Content 64
  10. Lion 64
  11. Couronne 74
  12. Triton 64 (Mercier)

and 5 frigates