Battle of Jersey

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Battle of Jersey
Part of American War of Independence
Death of Major Peirson
Death of Major Peirson by John Singleton Copley
Date January 6, 1781
Location Saint Helier, Jersey
Result Decisive British victory
Great Britain France
Major Francis Peirson Baron Phillipe de Rullecourt
More than 2,000 1,000
Around 30 More than 30 dead and wounded

The Battle of Jersey was a battle during the American War of Independence and was technically the last battle fought on British soil (coming after the Battle of Culloden in 1745). It was the last attempt by France to invade Jersey militarily.


[edit] The French plan

The Baron Philippe de Rullecourt, colonel in the French military service, had been promised by the French king Louis XVI the rank of General and the Cordon rouge as soon as he would be at the head of the town of Saint Helier, the island's capital. The Second Commander was an Indian prince, named Prince Emire, who had been taken by England in wars in India, had been sent to France with other French prisoners and whom the French had since retained in their service; a member of the British service wrote of him: "He looked quite barbarian, as much as his discourse; if our fate has depended on him, it would not have been of the most pleasant; he advised the French General to ransack everything and to put the town to fire and to blood."

On January 5, 1781 the French sent 2,000 soldiers in four divisions. The first, consisting of 800 men, landed at La Rocque, Grouville, and passed next to the body of guards without being noticed; a French officer even said that he had slept under the body of guards, but that the guard had not heard the French. The guards were subsequently put on trial. The first division of the French stayed there the greatest part of the night. The second division of the French, consisting of 400 men, was entirely lost, upon loading, in the rocks. The boats that contained the third division, consisting of 600 men, were separated from the rest of the fleet and were unable to join it. The fourth division, consisting of 200 men, landed early in the next morning at La Rocque. The total of the French troops unloaded on the island was therefore of 1,000, half the number of soldiers that France had expected to fight the British with.

[edit] The day of the battle

[edit] The French in Saint Helier

On January 6, 1781, between six and seven o'clock in the morning, the first division went to camp in the market while a deep sleep was still reigning throught all the town and at eight o'clock it surprised the Island's governor, Moses Corbet, in bed in Government House. De Rullecourt convinced Corbet that thousands of French troops had already overwhelmed Jersey. Corbet, unable to ascertain the true situation, surrendered. He was taken to the Royal Court building in the Royal Square and was persuaded to order Elizabeth Castle's commander Captain Mulcaster and 24-year old Major Francis Pierson's troops at Saint Peter's Barracks to surrender as well.

[edit] The British preparation

The British troops and militia assembled thsemselves on the Mont ès Pendus (now called Westmount) and Major Pierson soon had 2,000 men at his disposal, with which he resolved to descend the mountain and attack the French, who were camping in the market, had seized the town's canons and had placed them at the different openings of the market, as to better stop the British troops from forcing them; however, the French did not find the howitzers, the location of which they ignored. The British learned through different people who had been to observe the French troops that their number did not exceed 800 or 900 men. The French sent Corbet to Elizabeth Castle to offer a capitulation, which was refused by the Castle, which fired on the French troops and killed two or three men.

The 78th Regiment of Foot was detached and sent to take possession of the town mount, whence the British could stop a retreat of the French in the case that they had wished to flee. When Major Pierson believed that they had reached their destination he gave the orders to his troops to descend to the plain and to directly attack the French; but the British were stopped at the plain, where Corbet was sent by the French General to offer capitulation terms and to tell the British that if the terms were not signed, the French would ransack the town within half an hour. Given the superiority in number of their troops, the British there refused, as did the 83rd Regiment of Foot and the part of the East Regiment in Grouville. When the French General received their answer it was heard that he said: "Since they do not want to surrender, I have come to die."

[edit] The battle

The Royal Square, as seen here today, was the scene of the Battle of Jersey.
The Royal Square, as seen here today, was the scene of the Battle of Jersey.

The attack started: in the Grande Ruë were the 78th Regiment, the Battalion of Saint Lawrence, the South-East Regiment and the Compagnies de Saint-Jean; and in the other avenues were the 95th Regiment of Foot with the rest of the militia. The 71st Regiment of Foot also fought in the battle. The British had too many troops for the battleground, a member of the British service later saying that a third of the British troops would have been more than enough to destroy the French army; the British soldiers, confused and having nothing to shoot, unloaded most of their shots in the air.

The French resistance was of short duration, the greatest of the action lasting a quarter of an hour. The French only shot once or twice with the canons that they had at their disposal; the British had a howitzer placed directly opposite the market in the Grande Ruë, which at each shot "cleaned all the surroundings of French" according to a member of the British service. Major Pierson and the 95th Regiment advanced towards the Avenuë du Marché; just as the British were going to win Major Pierson fell dead, a musket bullet having reached his heart, but his saddened troops continued to fight. When the French General fell to the floor the French no longer wanted to fight, throwing their weapons and fleeing; several reached the market houses, whence they dispatched several shots through the windows.

The French Commander, through Corbet, told the British that the French had, at La Rocque, two battalions and an artillery company, which could be at the town within a quarter of an hour. The British were not intimidated, knowing that the number of French troops there did not reach 200, and a guard of 45 grenadiers of the 83rd Regiment resisted against 140 French soldiers until the arrival of a part of the East Regiment, whereupon the French body of troops was entirely undone, with 70 prisoners taken and 30 dead or wounded; the remaining French soldiers dispersed themselves throughout the countryside to reach their boats, though several were caught doing so.

[edit] After the battle

[edit] Conclusion

The British took 600 prisoners on that day, who were subsequently sent to England. The British loss was of around 30 dead. The French General was wounded in four areas of his body and died on the next day.

It became notorious that there were traitors among the British, the French General having a plan on copper of the fortifications, the towers, the canons and so on, saying that had he not had good friends in Jersey, he would not have come; the French knew exactly the number of British troops and of militia, the names of the officers commanding them and more. In the papers found in the General's trunk was the name of a Jerseyman who was later seized, as was another suspect.

After the battle, it was decided to build 30 coastal round towers to improve the defence system of the island.

[edit] Painting

John Singleton Copley painted a dramatized version of the death of Major Peirson. That painting now appears on Jersey's 10 pound note and is in the Tate Gallery.

Major Peirson
Major Peirson

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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