Battle of Jabiim

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Battle of Jabiim
Part of the Clone Wars
Date 20.8 BBY
Location Jabiim
Result Confederate victory
Galactic Republic Confederacy of Independent Systems
Obi-Wan Kenobi Commander Alto Stratus
Clone troopers
AT-TE walkers
AT-XT walkers
AT-AT walkers
Jabiim Loyalists
Jabiim Rebels
Battle droids
Super battle droids
Dwarf spider droids
Hailfire droids
Homing spider droids
Corporate Alliance Tank Droids
Assassin Droids
27 Jedi, more than 9,000 clone trooper soldiers Many droids and rebel troops
Primary battles of the Clone Wars
GeonosisRhen VarRaxus PrimeAlaris PrimeThuleKaminoOhma-D'anMuunilinstMon CalamariDantooineIlumYavin IVHyporiHaruun KalJabiimCoruscantUtapauMustafarFeluciaKashyyykCato NeimoidiaMygeetoSaleucamiList of minor Clone Wars battles
"We will let the Jedi Generals know that we will fight to be free! We will fight to defend our planet! We will send the Jedi home in caskets!"

—Commander Alto Stratus

The Battle of Jabiim is a battle which occurred in the fictional Star Wars universe between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic. It was one of the major battles of the Clone Wars.

Jabiim had been part of the Republic for 3,000 years. It had paid its due taxes to Coruscant, but remained undefended when calamity befell it; the scourge of Brainrot Plague decimated the populace, Trandoshan bandits invaded and occupied their lands, and Lythian Pirates besieged their small communities. Each time, the Jabiimites had to defend themselves alone. Embittered by the Republic's indifference, Jabiim seceded and joined Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Republic agents on Jabiim informed the Galactic Senate that the Jabiim Congress had been undermined by Separatist influences. Although individuals such as Alto Stratus spoke eloquently about the "oppression" of the Republic, many believed that these words had been purchased with weapons, supplies, and credits by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Negotiations spearheaded by the Alderaanian Diplomatic Corps were rebuffed, and Jabiim was gearing towards war. Rather than lose Jabiim to treachery, the Republic decided to retake control of the planet by force. The Republic positioned their forces on nearby Handooine, ready for the strike. It was ill-prepared for the atrocious conditions on Jabiim, however, while the Jabiimite rebels had lived there all their lives. The Republic's heavy artillery became mired in the muddy, rain-soaked plains, while the rebels, mounted on agile repulsorlift skates, managed to destroy any machinery that continued to work.

The battle dragged on for more than a month, with the Jedi gaining few victories against Alto Stratus and his Separatist-augmented forces. Eighteen Jedi Knights — most of them Masters, with Obi-Wan Kenobi believed to be among them — and some 9,000 clone troopers were killed by Jabiimite rebels by day 30 of the battle, leaving General Leska in command as she was the sole remaining Jedi Knight. She fell seven days later, leaving a small group of padawans to make their last stand against Alto Stratus.

Stratus attacked the last remaining Republic base at Cobalt station beinging on day 39 of the campaign. All but Anakin Skywalker — who had been called away by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to personally lead the evacuation effort — died in the battle, but the 13-year-old padawan Aubrie Wyn managed to kill Stratus before she died on the forty-third day of the battle, bringing the total number of Jedi killed in battle to 27 (although General Kenobi was later discovered to have survived).

The Republic's victory was hollow, however. The surviving members of the army were too few in number to make any additional headway, and so were forced to evacuate, leaving the Separatists in control. The Loyalists were abandoned to their fate, and they threw mud and curses at the retreating Republic forces.

Kenobi, it was later learned, had not perished at all. He and the ARC trooper Alpha been captured by Asajj Ventress and transported to Rattatak.

Ironically, the Jabiimites had not seen the last of the Jedi; 22 years later, Skywalker, now serving the Galactic Empire as Darth Vader, launched a full-blown invasion of the planet after becoming aware of a Rebel resurgence when his son, Luke Skywalker, was taken prisoner by the Jabiimites.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Main media
Attack of the Clones | Revenge of the Sith | Clone Wars animated series | Republic comic series
The Approaching Storm | Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive | Boba Fett: Crossfire | Boba Fett: Maze Of Deception | Boba Fett: Hunted | Boba Fett: A New Threat | Boba Fett: Pursuit
Attack of the Clones | Republic Commando: Hard Contact | Shatterpoint | The Cestus Deception | The Hive | Republic Commando: Triple Zero | MedStar I: Battle Surgeons
MedStar II: Jedi Healer | Jedi Trial | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous | Labyrinth of Evil | Revenge of the Sith | Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
Video games
The Clone Wars | Jedi Starfighter | Battlefront | Battlefront II | Battlefront III | Lego Star Wars | Republic Commando | The New Droid Army | Galactic Battlegrounds | Attack of the Clones | Revenge of the Sith
Major battles
Battle of Geonosis | Battle of Kamino | Battle of Jabiim | Battle of Coruscant | Battle of Utapau | Battle of Felucia | Battle of Kashyyyk | Battle of Cato Neimoidia | Battle of Mygeeto | Siege of Saleucami
List of minor Clone Wars battles