Battle of Chateauguay

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Battle of Chateauguay
Part of the War of 1812

Bataille de Chateauguay by Henri Julien. Lithograph from Le Journal de Dimanche, 1884.
Date October 25, 1813
Location Near Châteauguay, Quebec
Result Decisive British victory
Britain United States
Charles de Salaberry Wade Hampton
1,400 3,000 regulars
5 dead
16 wounded
50 dead
200 wounded or missing
St. Lawrence/Lake Champlain frontier
1st Sackett's Harbor1st Lacolle MillsLake Ontario - OgdensburgYork - Sackett's HarborChateauguayCrysler's Farm2nd Lacolle MillsFort OswegoBig Sandy Creek - Plattsburgh

The Battle of Chateauguay was a battle of the War of 1812. On October 25, 1813, a force consisting almost entirely of French Canadians and Mohawks repulsed a much larger American force attempting to invade Canada.


[edit] The American plan and movements

Late in 1813, United States Secretary of War John Armstrong devised a plan to capture Montreal, which would have led to the capture of all Upper Canada. Two divisions, one from Sackett's Harbor and the other from Plattsburg on Lake Champlain would unite in front of the city.

The Americans on the Lake Champlain front were led by Major General Wade Hampton, who had taken command on July 4. Hampton had several misgivings about the plan. His own troops, encamped at Burlington, Vermont, were badly trained, and his junior officers themselves lacked training and experience. His forward base at Plattsburg was difficult to supply, because British ships controlled Lake Champlain. Finally, Hampton, a wealthy southern plantation owner, despised James Wilkinson who was to lead the division from Sackett's Harbor. Hampton at first refused to cooperate with Wilkinson, but was eventually persuaded to take part in the joint expedition as Armstrong proposed to lead it personally.

On September 19, Hampton moved by water from Burlington to Plattsburg, and made a reconnaissance in force towards Odelltown on the direct route north from Lake Champlain. He decided that the British forces were too strong in this sector, and marched west instead to Four Corners, on the Chateauguay River.

As Wilkinson's expedition was not ready, Hampton's force waited here until October 18. Hampton was concerned that the delay was depleting his supplies and giving the British time to muster forces against him. Hearing from Armstrong that Wilkinson's force was "almost" ready to set out, he began advancing down the Chateauguay River. A brigade of 1,400 New York militia refused to cross the frontier into Canada, leaving Hampton with two brigades of regulars, 200 mounted troops and 10 field guns.

[edit] Canadian counter-moves

The Swiss-born Major-General Louis de Watteville was appointed commander of the Montreal District only on September 17. In response to the rumours of an American advance, he ordered several units of militia to be called up. Already though, the commander of the outposts, Lieutenant Colonel Charles de Salaberry had been organising his defences. De Salaberry had many informants among the farmers in the area, and had accurate information about Hampton's size and movements, while Hampton had very poor intelligence about Salaberry's force.

In addition to his own corps, the Canadian Voltigeurs, de Salaberry had called in several units of the Select Embodied Militia and local militia units. Facing a clearing where the Chateauguay river made a sharp bend, de Salaberry ordered his leading troops to construct abatis, obstacles made of felled trees. Behind them he posted the light company of the Canadian Fencibles, two companies of the Voltigeurs, an elite militia company from Beauharnois and perhaps two dozen Mohawks. To guard a ford a mile behind the abatis he posted the light companies of the 2nd and 3rd battalions of Select Embodied Militia and another company of militia. In successive reserve positions stretching a mile and a half along the river were another three companies of the Voltigeurs, the 2nd Select Embodied Militia and another 150 Indians, all under Lieutenant Colonel George MacDonnell.

De Salaberry had been so confident of victory that he had not informed his superiors of his actions. De Watteville rode forward and "approved" de Salaberry's dispositions, even as the fighting started.

[edit] The Battle

Hampton knew of the existence of the ford, and decided to send 1,000 men of one of his two brigades, under Colonel Robert Purdy, to cross to the south bank of the Chateauguay, circle round the British position and outflank them by capturing the ford, while 1,000 men of his other brigade under Brigadier General George Izard attacked them in front. Another 1,000 men were either sick or were left to guard the baggage and artillery.

After Purdy set off, Hampton received a letter from Armstrong, informing him that Armstrong himself was no longer to be in overall command of the combined American forces and Wilkinson was to be in charge; and that Hampton was to construct winter quarters for 10,000 men on the Saint Lawrence. The disgusted Hampton interpreted this second instruction to mean that there would be no attack on Montreal that year and the entire campaign was pointless. He would probably have retreated immediately, except that Purdy would then be left isolated.

Purdy's men spent a miserable night marching through cypress swamps in pouring rain. As dawn broke on September 26, they encountered the detachment de Salaberry had left to guard the ford. Captain Daly, leading the light company of the 3rd Select Embodied Militia, launched an immediate attack against the Americans, while other Canadian troops engaged them from across the river.

Hearing the firing break out, Izard's force marched into the clearing and deployed. Legend has it that at this point, an American officer rode forward to demand the Canadians' surrender. As he had omitted to do so under a flag of truce, he was shot down by de Salaberry himself.

Izard's troops began steady, rolling volleys into the abatis and trees. These parade-ground tactics were almost entirely ineffective. The defenders replied with accurate individual fire, though surprisingly few Americans were hit. On the Canadian right, the light company of the Fencibles were outflanked and fell back, but either on de Salaberry's orders or on their own initiative, several companies from the reserve were already making their way forward. They did so with bugle calls, cheers and Indian war whoops. The unnerved Americans thought themselves outnumbered and fell back. Hampton did not order any guns to be brought forward to destroy the abatis. Once Purdy had extricated himself after another dismal night in the swamps, the Americans withdrew in good order. De Salaberry did not pursue.

[edit] Aftermath

Hampton retreated to Four Corners, and held a council of war. This unanimously concluded that a renewed advance stood no chance of success. Furthermore, the roads were becoming impassable under the autumn rains, and Hampton's supplies would soon be exhausted. Hampton ordered a retreat to Plattsburg, and sent a staff officer to Wilkinson, with a report of his situation.

Wilkinson's own force had reached a settlement named Hoags, just upstream from Ogdensburg, when they received this news. Wilkinson replied with orders to Hampton to advance to Cornwall on the Saint Lawrence River, bringing sufficient supplies for both his own and Wilkinson's division. Hampton was convinced that these orders were futile and impossible to comply with, and declined to follow them. Before his reply could reach Wilkinson, Wilkinson's force was defeated at Crysler's Farm on November 11. Wilkinson nevertheless used Hampton's refusal to move to Cornwall as pretext to abandon his own advance, and the projected attack on Montreal came to an inglorious end. Hampton had already submitted his resignation. He was not employed again in the field.

On the British side, the victorious troops at Chateauguay held their existing positions and endured much discomfort for several days before Indians reported that the Americans were retreating, and they could retire to more comfortable billets.

The hot-tempered de Salaberry was furious that both General de Watteville and the Governor General, Sir George Prevost, had arrived on the field just in time to submit their own despatches claiming the victory for themselves. He considered resigning his commission, but was later officially thanked by the Assembly in Quebec.

[edit] Sources

  • John R. Elting, Amateurs to Arms, Da Capo Press, New York, ISBN 0-306-80653-3
  • J. Macky Hitsman & Donald E. Graves, The Incredible War of 1812, Robin Brass Studio, Toronto, ISBN 1-896941-13-3

[edit] External links

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