Battle of Borsele

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Eighty Years' War
OosterweelRheindalenHeiligerleeJemmingenJodoigneBrielleHaarlemFlushingBorseleZuiderzeeAlkmaarLeidenReimerswaalMookerheydeGemblouxMaastricht1st BredaPunta DelgadaAntwerpBoksumZutphen1st Bergen op ZoomGravelines2nd BredaTurnhoutNieuwpoortOstendSluysGibraltar2nd Bergen op Zoom3rd BredaBay of Matanzas's-HertogenboschMaastricht4th BredaKalloThe DownsHulstPuerto de Cavite

The Battle of Borsele (April 22th 1573) was a naval battle during the Eighty Years' War between a Spanish fleet commanded by Sancho d'Avila (Which sailed from the port of Antwerp) and a Gueux fleet under Admiral Worst.

The Spanish fleet tried to supply the cities of Middelburg and Arnemuiden, which were besieged by Dutch troops. A few ships managed to reach their objective but the bulk of the Spanish ships was forced to return to Antwerp.

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