Battle class destroyer

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HMS Agincourt
HMS Agincourt
Battle-class RN Ensign
General Characteristics
Displacement: 1942 ships 2,315 tons standard / 3,290 tons full load

1943 ships 2,480 tons standard / 3,430 tons full load

Length: 379 ft (116 m)
Beam: 1942 ships 40.25 ft

1943 ships 40.5 ft

Draught: 12.75 ft standard

15.3 ft full load

Propulsion: 2 Admiralty 3-drum boilers, 2 Parsons geared steam turbines,
2 shafts, 50,000 shp (37 MW)
Speed: As Designed

1942 ships 34 knots
1943 ships 35.75 knots (66 km/h)

Range: 4,400 nautical miles (8,100 km) at 12 knots (22 km/h)
Complement: 1942 ships 247 peace time 308 war

1943 ships 232 peace time 268 war

Armament (1942 ships):
2 x twin 4.5 in guns QF Mark III on mounting BD Mk.IV

1 x single 4 in gun QF Mk.XXIII on mount Mk.III (First six ships only. Later removed)
4 x twin 40 mm Bofors mounts "Hazemeyer" Mk.IV
4-6 x single 40 mm Bofors mounts Mk.VII
2 x quad tubes for 21 in torpedoes Mk.IX
Two depth charge rails.
Four depth charge throwers.

Armament (1943 ships):
2 x twin 4.5 in guns QF Mark III on mount BD Mk.IV

1 x single 4.5 in gun QF Mark IV on mount CP Mk.V
2 x twin 40 mm Bofors mounts "STAAG" Mk.II
1 x twin 40 mm Bofors mounts "utility" Mk.V
2 x single 40 mm Bofors mount Mk.VII
2 x pentuple tubes for 21 in torpedoes Mk.IX
1 x Squid A/S mortar

Armament (A/D conversion):
2 x twin 4.5 in guns QF Mark III on mount BD Mk.IV

1 x quad Sea Cat GWS-20 SAM
2 x 20 mm Oerlikon guns
1 x Squid A/S mortar

Armament (Australian 1944 ships):
2 x twin 4.5 in guns QF Mark III on mount UD Mk.VI

3 x twin 40 mm Bofors mounts "STAAG" Mk.II
6-7 x single 40 mm Bofors mount Mk.VII
2 x pentuple tubes for 21 in torpedoes Mk.IX
1 x Squid A/S mortar

The Battle class were a class of destroyers of the British Royal Navy (RN) and Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Built in three groups, the first group were ordered under the 1942 defence estimates. A modified second and third group, together with two ships of an extended design were planned for the 1943 and 1944 estimates. Most of these ships were cancelled when it became apparent that the war was being won and the ships would not be required, although two ships of the third group, ordered for the RAN were not cancelled and were subsequently completed in Australia.

Seven Battles were commissioned before the end of World War II but only HMS Barfleur saw action, with the British Pacific Fleet.


[edit] Design

[edit] "1942" or "Early Battle" class

The first years of World War II had shown that British destroyers were ill equipped to deal with concentrated air attacks and the Royal Navy suffered heavy losses as a result. In 1941 urgent consideration of the problem led to a naval staff requirement for a new class of large fleet destroyer with High Angle (HA) twin guns and a HA control system. It was decided that this main armament would be set forward in a superfiring configuration thus allowing all guns to engage a single target. Arcs of fire were increased by setting the bridge structure further aft than normal. The proposed AA armament were eight 40 mm L/60 guns in twin mountings set atop the middle and after deck houses to give all around, overlapping arcs of fire. These were to be supplemented by 20 mm guns positioned variously around the ship. Eight 21" torpedo tubes were to be carried in two quadruple mounts. A/S armament called for two depth charge rails and four depth charge throwers to be fitted. A new feature was the first use of stabilisers in a destroyer, allowing a steady platform for AA gunnery.

With these parameters accepted a sketch design was submitted and approved in the autumn of 1941 and orders for sixteen ships (two flotillas) were placed under the 1942 programme. Considerably larger than the standard fleet destroyer, these ships were seen as a replacement for the "Tribal" class which had already suffered very heavy losses. With an overall length of 379 feet they were just two feet longer than the Tribals and with a beam of 40.25 feet were just over three feet wider. It was decided to abandon the usual alphabetical naming of destroyer flotillas and name these ships after famous land and sea battles, thus these ships became known as the 1942 Battle Class.

[edit] "1943" or "Later Battle" class

Even after the orders for the earlier, 1942 Battle class had been placed much discussion was still taking place within the naval staff about the final design. There was much debate about the type and disposition of the main armament. In some quarters it was felt that the two main turrets should be distributed one forward and one aft. Many reasons were given for this but the most logical seems to have been the argument that a single hit could not disable both guns. There was also an argument put forward in some quarters that these ships were underarmed for their size and there was a call for a third turret to be mounted aft.

Admiral Cunningham whilst taking passage in the 1942 Battle Class ship Solebay was rather unflattering in his description of these ships saying that they were "too large" and "had every damned weapon and gadget except guns". Modern naval architects feel this is unfair as the role of destroyers had changed since the admiral was a destroyer Captain at the battle of Jutland. The original role was torpedo attack on enemy ships, but their role in the late 1940's was to protect the fleet (and themselves) from aircraft and submarines. The Battle Class were probably better at this task than any other WW2 British destroyer.

A further criticism, not just of the Battle class design, but of British destroyers generally, was of the main machinery layout. Until 1936 all destoyers had a three boiler room layout, as the naval staff considered this the minimum requirement for battle damage survivability. In 1936 the head of the destroyer section of the Constructors Department came up with a radical new design for the "J" class. This included a new system of longitudinal framing to ease construction whilst at the same time increasing the integral strength of the ships. It also called for a two boiler layout with both boilers fitted back to back allowing them to vent up a single large funnel. This decreased the ships silhouette and gave improved firing arcs for the AA armament. This layout and hull design proved very effective and made for good looking ships. The "J" class design was used in all following destroyer designs until the advent of the "Weapon" and Daring classes, however, the boiler room layout was a constant source of criticism as a single hit in the wrong place would cripple a ship completely.

In order to find a solution to these criticisms it was originally planned that 32 ships (four flotillas) of an improved design would be built under the 1943 and 1944 estimates and that there would be changes in armament and layout in the later ships. It was expected that the 4.5 in RP41 BD Mk VI turret, trialled by Saintes from 1946/48, would be available to arm the later ships. In the end 26 ships were ordered. These formed two distinct groups plus two ships of an expanded design.

The first 16 ships (two flotillas) were ordered in early 1943. They were based on a slightly widened version of the 1942 ships. They were to be fitted with the American type 37 DCT which was now becoming available and which would be equipped with the British Radar Type 275 fire control set and Medium Range System (MRS) 9 fire control system. In an attempt to counter the criticisms that the ships were underarmed for their size, and were incapable of engaging a target right aft, a single 4.5 in on a standard Mk V mounting would be positioned on the original 4" gun deck abaft the funnel. In the event these guns failed to provide a solution as they were restricted to firing on either beam because the midship positioning meant their arc of fire was fouled by the ships fore and aft superstructure. Their AA armament was reduced to eight 40 mm /60 Bofors, two twin STAAG Mk.II mountings on top of the after deckhouse, one twin Mk.V on the middle deckhouse controlled by an STD mounted on top of the gun crew shelter, and a single mounting Mk.VIIon either bridge wing. All ships would be fitted with a Squid A/S mortar on the quarterdeck and ten 21" torpedo tubes in two quintuple mountings.

The last flotilla of eight ships and two ships of an expanded design were ordered under the 1944 estimates. The first eight ships were to be fitted with two twin 4.5 guns forward in the new RP41 Mk VI turrets. These turrets offered improved ammunition handling and a faster rate of fire due to their semi-automatic breech action and it was thought that this was sufficient to preclude the fitting of the single gun amidships. The bridge structure was raised as earlier trials in Saintes had noted that the higher profile of the Mk VI turret obstructed visibility forward. The AA armament was increased in these ships as the weight saved by dispensing with the single 4.5" gun amidships meant that a third twin STAAG could be fitted together with five single 40 mm /60 guns giving a total of eleven light AA guns.

Arguably, the most interesting design changes were incorporated in the two extended ships. These ships were intended to bury all the criticisms of the design once and for all. The hull dimensions were increased adding 10 feet in length and 2.5 feet to the beam. This allowed for a third 4.5 in Mk VI turret to be mounted aft. The main reason for the increase in length, however, was the planned change in the mechanical layout of these ships. Since the inception of the "J" class the boilers had been concentrated together, an arrangement which allowed a reduced hull length, however plans drawn up for the smaller Weapon class showed that this reduction was, in fact, minimal so a decision was made to employ a unit arrangement for the propulsion machinery in these ships, based on the same lines as that proposed for the Weapon class.

[edit] "1944" or "Australian Battle" class

HMAS Tobruk in 1954
HMAS Tobruk in 1954

The original building programme for the 1943 ships included provision for the later ships, the third flotilla, to be armed with the new 4.5 Mk.VI turret. Although these ships were cancelled by the Admiralty two ships of this type had been ordered by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) in Australia in 1945. Neither of these ships were cancelled and both ships were laid down in 1946, although, like the building programme in Britain, progress was slow. The first of the two ships HMAS Anzac was not completed by HMA Dockyard at Williamstown until 1950 and her sister HMAS Tobruk built at the Cockatoo yard Sydney was not completed until the following year. The only difference between these ships and those planned for the Royal Navy was a distinctive funnel cowl fitted to both ships.

Tobruk remained in service until 1960 when she was placed in reserve. Anzac had her STAAG mountings removed at about this time and continued in service as a training ship. She was further modified for this role in 1966 when 'B' turret was removed and replaced by a deckhouse. Another deckhouse was built aft. She was laid up in 1974. Both ships were broken up in 1975.

[edit] Modifications

The placing of orders did not stop continued design work, but by this time plans were too far advanced for major changes to be considered, although some design changes were made to the armament. One change, incorporated with protection against air-attack in mind, was the decision to standardise on the 4.5" gun for the main armament rather than the low angle 4.7" that was the usual destroyer gun and only effective against surface targets. The four 4.5 inch guns, fitted in two Mk IV turrets, were capable of high angle fire against aircraft and were controlled from a Director Control Tower (DCT) fitted with radar. Another alteration made whilst building was the fitting of a 4" gun on a gundeck abaft the funnel. It was also decided that the twin 40/60 mm guns would be fitted on Hazemeyer Mark IV mountings fitted with Radar Type 282. These would be mounted side by side on the middle gundeck between the torpedo tubes and en-echelon atop the after deckhouse. Due to delays in completion the plans for 20 mm guns were altered and eventually four single 40 mm /60 guns in Mk VII mountings were fitted, one forward of the bridge structure and behind 'B' gun, one on either bridge wing and one aft on the quarterdeck.

Experiences in the Pacific, in operations against the Japanese, pointed to the limited usefulness of the 4" gun abaft the funnel and only the first ships completed, Barfleur, Armada, Trafalgar, Camperdown, Hogue and Lagos were fitted with the gun. In all other ships the gun was replaced by two single 40 mm /60 Mk VII giving a total of 14 Bofors, the heaviest light AA armament of any British destroyer and heavier than that carried in many cruisers. In time, all the ships fitted with the 4" gun had them removed and replaced with the two single 40 mm /60 Mk VII Bofors

All ships were completed with a lattice foremast, instead of the pole mast shown in the original plans. This enabled the ships to carry the latest radar and various IFF transponders and receivers on the foremast. Typical radar fit when built was the "cheese" of Radar Type 293 target indication at the masthead, Radar Type 291 air warning on the mainmast and the twin nacelles Radar Type 275 fire control on the Mk.VI director. The "Hazemeyer" mounts carried their own Radar Type 282 and the STAAG a Radar Type 262 fire control set.

[edit] Service

[edit] "1942" or "Early Battle" class

Delays in completion of these ships was caused, as in other classes, by the late delivery of the Mk VI DCT's and fire control systems. The first ship, Barfleur was launched in November 1943 and was completed by Swan Hunter in mid 1944, but by August her DCT had still not been delivered. Consequently, she ran trials in September and was commissioned, but had to return to the Tyne to await delivery and fitting of her director and fire control system. Other ships were similarly affected, Trafalgar spending many months laid up in the Tyne during 1944.

It was intended that the first eight ships would form the 19th destroyer flotilla with the British Pacific Fleet in the Far East, but only Barfleur made it to the Pacific in time to take part in operations against Japan. Barfleur was in Tokyo Bay during the Japanese surrender ceremony on 3rd September 1945. After the end of hostilities she was joined by Armada, Trafalgar, Hogue, Lagos and Camperdown. In 1947 all six ships returned home and went into reserve.

The other two other ships destined for the 19th flotilla, Solebay and Finisterre were retained in home waters, Finisterre became gunnery training ship for the Portsmouth command and Solebay leader of the 5th destroyer flotilla, Home Fleet, which consisted of six ships of the second flotilla, Cadiz, Gabbard, St. James, St. Kitts, Saintes (see below) and Sluys. The other two ships of the second flotilla Gravelines and Vigo going straight into reserve upon completion.

The ships of the second flotilla saw a change in the light AA armament. The tri-axially stabilised Dutch "Hazemeyer" mountings with their Radar Type 282 were regarded as unreliable and were replaced by an Admiralty designed Stabilised Tachymetric Anti Aircraft Gun. ("STAAG"). The Hazemeyer's Radar Type 282 was metric and operated through a pair of Yagi antennae, and could therefore only supply target range. The British design utilised the Radar Type 262 centimetric radar with a small spinning dish aerial which gave range and bearing and was capable of "locking on" to a target and could train and elevate the guns as the target moved. The British design was more complicated than the Dutch design and weighed a massive 17 tons each (compared with the Hazemeyer's 7 tons). This meant that only two mountings could be installed in order to keep the top hamper within acceptable limits. These were fitted to the top of the after deckhouse. The middle gundeck, between the torpedo tubes, was left empty. In practice these mountings proved even less reliable than the ones they replaced and led to three ships Saintes, Camperdown and Trafalgar eventually having them replaced by Mk V "utility" mountings, each controlled by a Simple Tachymetric Director (STD) mounted on the top of the gun crew shelter. A further refinement saw the removal of the depth charge equipment and single 40 mm L/60 Bofors gun from the quarterdeck to be replaced by a Squid ahead throwing depth charge mortar. The after deckhouse was extended to contain a mortar handling room. This eventually became the standard weapons fit for all of the 1942 Battles.

A variation occurred when Saintes was completed with a 4.5 in UD (Upper Decks) Mark VI turret in the "B" gun position. Commissioned in September 1946 into the 5th destroyer flotilla Saintes spent most of the time in independent trials of the new gun. During these trials, whilst carrying out live firing exercises in the Solent, Saintes opened fire on a target towed by the Brigand Class tug Buccaneer, missed the target and sank the tug. Upon completion of trials Saintes payed off and was refitted with the standard Battle Class armament.

Saintes recommissioned in 1949 when, as D3, and with Armada, Vigo and Gravelines, they replaced Troubridge and the "V" class as the 3rd destroyer flotilla, Mediterranean Fleet. Barfleur replaced Gravelines in the 3rd DF but no major changes took place until 1953. The appearance of the Darings at this time spelled the demise of the 5th destroyer flotilla, and after the Coronation Review all six ships went into reserve. Only two,Solebay and St. Kitts saw further service with the Royal Navy. In 1956 Saintes headed home for a major refit at Rosyth, her crew transferring to Armada. Vigo also returning to home waters to replace Finisterre as gunnery training ship at Portsmouth. By late 1956 only four ships remained operational. Armada, Barfleur and St. Kitts with the 3rd destroyer squadron (as they had now been designated) and Vigo as Portsmouth Command gunnery training ship. All the other ships were either in reserve or undergoing refit. Most had the fire control system updated and new ASDIC fitted and those that still had the quarterdeck AA gun had it replaced by the Squid A/S mortar.

The late 1950's saw the Battles back in business. In 1957 the "CH" destroyers of the 1st DS were replaced by the newly refitted Solebay, Hogue and Lagos. Initially serving with the Mediterranean Fleet, in 1959 the squadron deployed to the Far East, where Hogue's career came to an abrupt end when she rammed the Indian cruiser Mysore (Formerly HMS Nigeria). She was towed to Singapore where she was laid up until scrapped in 1962. Upon the return home of the remaining ships in 1960 Hogue was replaced in the squadron by Finisterre.

In 1957 a newly refitted Camperdown, which had been in reserve since returning from the Far East with the 19th destroyer flotilla ten years previously, was brought back into service to relieve St. Kitts in the 3rd DS. The following year Saintes having finished her major refit at Rosyth resumed command of the 3rd DS, relieving Barfleur in the Mediterranean. Five years later St. Kitts was broken up at Sunderland. Barfleur was laid up for several years before being broken up at Dalmuir in 1966.

One other Battle was given a new lease of life. Trafalgar also laid up in 1947 was refitted and commissioned in 1958 as leader of the 7th DS. She continued in service, alternating between the Home and Mediterranean Fleets until she finally paid off in 1963. In 1970 she arrived at Dalmuir to be broken up.

Gravelines and St. James also commenced refit at Devonport in 1958 but these were stopped a few months later. Both ships were sent to the breakers in 1961.

Three other ships began a new lease of life in the late 1950's. In 1957 Cadiz and Gabbard were sold to Pakistan and renamed Khaibar and Badr. Cadiz (Khaibar) was lost to a missile attack in the war with India in 1971.

Sluys ended 13 years in the Devonport reserve when she was sold to Iran in 1966. Renamed Artemiz She completed a three year refit at Vosper Thornycroft at Southampton. Her profile was radically altered. She was given a new, plated foremast to carry the parabolic arial of a Plessey AWS 1 long range search radar. A fully enclosed bridge replaced the usual "open sundeck" above the forward superstructure. She retained her 4.5" main armament but these were now controlled by a modern radar and fire control system. Her AA armament now consisted of four single 40/60 mm guns and a quadruple seacat launcher on the after end of a new deckhouse which stretched from just aft of the funnel to the quarterdeck. She commissioned in 1970 as a training ship. During 1975/6 she was refitted at Cape Town and fitted with surface to surface missile launchers. During a later refit carried out by the Russians her main gunnery radar and control systems were again modernised, although she retained her original guns, and the seacat system was replaced by a modern Russian surface to air missile system. She was still in existence in the early 1990's although believed to be non-operational.

In 1960 the 1st and 3rd destroyer squadrons were amalgamated to form a new 1st DS. As a result Lagos and Armada paid off into reserve, Armada being broken up at Inverkiething in 1965 and Lagos at Bo'ness in 1967.

The new 1st DS completed a very busy final two year commission before finally paying off in May 1962. Solebay became Portsmouth harbour training ship until being scrapped at Troon in 1967. Finisterre remained in Chatham reserve until being broken up at Dalmuir in 1967. Camperdown was laid up in the Hamoaze at Devonport for many years until finally being sent to the breakers yard at Faslane in 1970.

Now only Saintes remained. On paying off in 1962 a volunteer towing crew from her last commission took her to Rosyth, where she went into reserve. Here she was used as the training ship for Articifer Aprentices from HMS Caledonia who kept her engines and machinery in full working order. She was eventually replaced by the frigate Duncan in 1972 and she too headed for the breakers yard at Cairn Ryan, the last of the Royal Navy's 1942 Battle class destroyers.

The sixteen commissioned ships were:

Armada, commissioned July 2nd 1945, scrapped December 1965
Barfleur, commissioned September 14th 1944, took part in final raid against Japan (July 24th 1945), scrapped 1966
Cadiz, commissioned April 12th 1945, transferred to Pakistan 1956 and renamed Khaibir
Camperdown, commissioned June 18th 1945, scrapped 1970
Finisterre, commissioned September 11th 1945, scrapped 1967
Gabbard, commissioned December 10th 1946, transferred to Pakistan 1956 and renamed Badr
Gravelines, commissioned June 14th 1946, scrapped 1961
Hogue, commissioned July 24th 1945, scrapped March 1962
Lagos, commissioned November 2nd 1945, scrapped 1967
Saint James, commissioned July 12th 1946, scrapped 1961
Saint Kitts, commissioned January 21st 1946, scrapped 1962
Saintes, commissioned September 27th 1946, scrapped 1972
Sluys, commissioned September 30th 1946, transferred to Iran January 1967 and renamed Artemiz
Solebay, commissioned October 11th 1945, took part in Operation Deadlight (January 7th 1946), scrapped 1967
Trafalgar, commissioned July 23rd 1945, scrapped 1970
Vigo, commissioned December 9th 1946, scrapped December 1964

[edit] "1943" or "Later Battle" class

Although all of the ships were laid down between late 1943 and mid 1945 they, like previous members of the class, were plagued by delays in the provision of equipment. As a result few had been launched by the end of hostilities and it became obvious that not all of them would be required. As a result, in September of 1945, the Admiralty ordered work stopped on sixteen of the ships. As a result seven ships, Mons, Omdurman, Somme, River Plate. St. Lucia, San Domingo and Waterloo, were broken up on the slipway. A further five, Belle Isle, Navarino, Poictiers, Talavera and Trincomalee were scrapped immediately upon launching. The incompleted hulls of four ships, Albuera, Jutland, Namur and Oudenarde were laid up with the possibility that they could be completed at a later date. This policy was adopted with other classes of ship, notably cruisers and carriers, some of which were completed up to fourteen years after the end of the war. Although consideration was given to completing these vessels in 1950, it was never done and they were all scrapped between 1957 and 1961.

The two extended ships, Vimiera and Ypres were not scrapped at this time but eventually became a part of the Daring-class, programme authorised in 1946. The original order was for sixteen ships, but construction was a long drawn out affair and eventually the Admiralty cancelled eight of the ships. At this time Vimiera, which had been renamed Danae was scrapped but Ypres was finally commissioned into the Royal Navy as HMS Delight

This left a flotilla of eight ships, Agincourt, Aisne, Alamein, Barrosa, Corruna, Dunkirk, Jutland (ex Malplaquet) and Matapan to be completed for service in the Royal Navy and, as with other ships built after the end of hostilities, work proceded at a very slow pace. The first ship Agincourt was laid down in December 1943 but not completed until the end of June 1947. Alamein, laid down less than three months behind her sister ship, was not completed until May 1948.

It was originally intended that all eight ships would form the 4th destroyer flotilla, but by 1947 the post war manning crisis had reached its peak and so Alamein, Barrosa, Corunna and Matapan went into reserve. This left only Agincourt, Aisne, Jutland and Dunkirk in service. (It should be noted here that the Jutland referred to is not the ship laid up after launching but the original Malplaquet which was renamed Jutland after launching.)

1948, however, saw all but Matapan back in service with the Home Fleet, but just over a year later another reduction took place. In 1950 a decision was made to pay off several destroyers in the Home and Mediterranean Fleets and replace them with Loch class frigates. Dunkirk, Barrosa and Alamein payed off into reserve and Aisne and Jutland were temporarily laid up for nearly a year.

In 1951 the 4th destroyer squadron was back in business. Consisting of Agincourt, Aisne, Jutland and Corunna and converted to General Service Commissions the squadron deployed between the Home and Mediterranion Fleets for the next few years. In 1953 Barrosa replaced Jutland and in 1957 Aisne was replaced by Alamein. In March 1959 there was a collision in the Bay of Biscay between Barrosa and Corunna. The following month the 4th DS was disbanded. Alamein went into reserve and was broken up at Blyth in 1964. Agincourt, Barrosa and Corunna were placed in dockyard hands for conversion to radar pickets.

In 1958 Jutland and Dunkirk re commissioned as part of the 7th destroyer squadron. Led by the 1942 Battle Trafalgar, the squdron completed two General Service Home / Mediterranean Fleet deployments before Jutland payed off into reserve in 1961. She was broken up at Blyth in 1965. Dunkirk did a further two year General Service deployment with the squadron before paying off in 1963. She was broken up at Faslane in 1965.

[edit] Aircraft Direction Conversion

As early as 1944 it had been suggested that the 1943 Battle class could be fitted with a long range early warning radar fitted to a mast amidships, albeit at the expense of some of the torpedo tubes and AA armament. The idea was not taken up at the time but in the early post war years a need was identified for a Fast Air Detection Escort (FADE). These ships would accompany the fleet and detect, identify and track potential targets and direct friendly aircraft to engage them, a role known as Aircraft Direction (A/D).

A new frigate, the Type 61, was designed to to carry out this role, however, it became clear that with a top speed of only 24 knots these ships would not be able to keep up with a carrier group. Consideration was therefore given to converting existing ships to carry out this role with carrier groups. The latest long range radar available at that time was the Type 965. The Radar Type 965 came with two aerial configurations, the AKE-1, known as the bedstead, and the AKE-2, known as the double bedstead. The AKE-1 weighed in at almost two tons and the AKE-2 at a massive four tons. It soon became clear that only a large ship, like a "Battle" class destroyer would be able to carry such a load.

In 1955 a decision was made to convert four Battle class ships to Fast Air Detection Escorts, although the work was not started until 1959. The four ships chosen for conversion were Agincourt, Aisne, Barrosa and Corunna. On completion of the conversions only the hull, engines, funnel, forward superstructure and main armament remained of the original ships. A huge new lattice foremast was fitted immediately abaft the bridge. The base of this mast straddled the entire width of the ship and was surmounted by a large 4 ton Type 965 AKE-2 double bedstead aerial, with a Type 293Q mounted on a platform below. All torpedo tubes and light AA armament were removed and a large deckhouse containing generators and radar offices was built abaft the funnel. A new lattice mainmast carried a Radar Type 277Q height finder and an array of ESM and DF aerials. The after deckhouse was extended and a GWS 21 Sea Cat SAM system was mounted on top. The ships retained the Squid A/S mortar on the quarterdeck.

The conversions of Corunna at Rosyth and Aisne at Chatham were completed in 1962 and both ships joined the 7th DS in the Med. On completion of her refit at Portsmouth, Agincourt joined the 5th DS in home waters. Corunna, however, ended up further afield. On completion of her refit at Devonport she joined the 8th DS in the Far East. These arrangements were short lived as, in 1963, the Admiralty reorganised the frigate and destroyer squadrons into escort squadrons. Each escort squadron comprised a mix of ships of varying type in order to provide an increased capability within each group.

Corunna transferred to the 21st Escort Group which included a deployment to the Far East from September 1964 to August 1965. on returning home she began a refit at Rosyth in September 1965 and on completion in 1967 went into operational reserve at Portsmouth where she remained until put on the disposal list in 1972. In 1974 she was towed from Portsmouth to Sunderland for breaking but was then towed to Blyth and broken up in 1975.

Aisne transferred to the 23 ES and after a short spell joined 30 ES in January 1964 and served in the Med from April to September 1964 and in the Far East from September to December 1964 and from July to December 1965. She recommissioned in January 1966 and served in the Far East from August 1966 to April 1967. In December 1967 she was sent to the West Indies, returning in March 1968. She paid off in August of that year and was broken up at Inverkeithing in 1970.

Agincourt spent four and a half years rotating between Home and Mediterranean waters, first as part of the 5th DS and then, after the reorganisation into Escort Squadrons, with 23ES and 27ES. Reduced to reserve at Portsmouth in October 1966 She was put on the disposal list in 1972. She was broken up a Sunderland in 1974.

Barrosa transferred to the 24ES and, apart from two spells at home between July 1966 and August 1967 and July to September 1968, spent all of her life as a radar picket serving in the Far East. She paid off into reserve at Devonport in December 1968. In 1971 she joined her sister ships at Portsmouth and was put on the disposal list in 1972. She was used as a stores hulk at Portsmouth until being towed to Blyth to be broken up in 1978.

The short life of these ships despite the enormous amount spent on their conversion was undoubtedly due to the policies of the Labour Government which came to power in 1964. They were committed to withdrawal from the Far East and a corresponding reduction in the size of the fleet. The decision to run down the carrier fleet and the cancellation of the new carrier build also meant that the need for fast air direction ships was reduced. The building of new general purpose frigates, such as the Leander class, fitted with 965 radar and modern operations rooms, meant that they could replace the 'Battles' in most circumstances.

However, the story of the Royal Navy's Battle Class was not yet over.

[edit] HMS Matapan

Laid up on completion of her trials in 1947, having carried out only 150 hours steaming, the need to replace Verulam as Sonar Trials Ship for the Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment at Portland saw the conversion and eventual commissioning of Matapan. In 1971 Matapan was towed to Portsmouth to begin her conversion to sonar trials ship. She was stripped of all armament and the forecastle deck was extended right to the stern to provide increased space to accommodate scientists and trials equipment. She was fitted with a second funnel for the exhausting of fumes from the extra generators required to power the sonar equipment. A plated foremast carried radar and communications aerials, and a new fully enclosed bridge was fitted. A new after deckhouse, which ran from the after funnel to the quarterdeck was fitted with a helicopter landing deck on the top. Her refit took two years but she finally commissioned in 1973. After 24 years in the Devonport reserve Matapan had finally found a role in the navy of the seventies. Her trials period lasted for five years. She paid off at Portsmouth in 1978 and was broken up at Blyth in 1979.

[edit] References

  • D.K.Brown - Nelson to Vanguard 2000, Chatham Publishing
  • Conway's All The world's fighting ships 1947-1995
  • G.Moore, The 'Battle' Class destroyers in Warship 2002-2003 Conway's Maritime Press
  • M Critchley, British Warships Since 1945, Part 3, Destroyers
  • L Marriott, Royal Navy Destroyers Since 1945

[edit] External link

Battle-class destroyer
Agincourt | Aisne | Alamein | Armada | Barfleur | Barrosa | Cadiz | Camperdown | Corunna | Dunkirk | Finisterre | Gabbard | Gravelines | Hogue | Jutland | Lagos | Matapan | St. James | St. Kitts | Saintes | Sluys | Solebay | Trafalgar | Vigo
Anzac class destroyer
Anzac | Tobruk

List of destroyers of the Royal Navy
List of major warship classes of the Royal Australian Navy

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