Basic-particle formation scheme
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The Basic-Particle Formation (BPF) Scheme was proposed in order to reproduce the overall observational properties of particles, especially the wave-particle properties. The scheme states:
A basic particle like an electron, proton etc., is made up of a zero-rest-mass oscillatory elementary charge of a specified sign, termed a free vaculeon, and the resulting electromagnetic waves.
In addition, the BPF is supplemented by a model vacuum structure proposed also in order to explain the overall relevant experimental observations, especially the pair processes. The model states:
- The vacuum is filled of electrically neutral but polarizable particles termed vacuuons (Figure a).
- The vacuuon consists of a bound p-vaculeon of charge +e at the core, and an n-vaculeon of charge -e on the envelope (Figure b). The pair of vaculeon charges are strongly bound by a Coulomb attraction potential, estimated to be ~0.5 GeV. Their Coulomb attraction is counterbalanced by their kinetic energies of rotational motions about a common axis, or spins (a term more precise for their free-particle states) of an angular momentum +(1/2)h and -(1/2)h.
When supplied with an adequate external energy, the bound vaculeons of a vacuuon will be freed into a single or free p-vaculeon and single n-vaculeon, with their spins unchanged.
The vaculeons have by construction each a zero rest mass; they will gain an inertial mass dynamically however provided they have certain motions and the motions are resisted by certain forces. So any masses in this scheme are the consequences of certain dynamic processes. Under specified conditions for its creation a free vaculeon charge, q=+e or –e , is endowed a specified amount of total free-particle kinetic energy, Eq. This we show to be responsible for the mass and total energy of the basic particle formed.
In a substantial dielectric vacuum the Eq of the single vaculeon charge, assuming below a threshold value, manifests as an oscillatory mechanical energy, E. This is because the vacuuons surrounding the charge are polarized by its static electric field, and become coupled to one another; the vacuum about the external charge therefore acquires an induced elasticity. The surrounding polarized vacuuons form now a potential well; in it the vaculeon charge with the spontaneous Eq below a barrier value thereby executes localized oscillations (in this sense, it is not truly free, so “single vaculeon” is a more suitable term here). E q will be responsible for the rest mass of the basic particle formed, such as an electron. Notice that, for its vaculeon having a threshold Eq, the center-of-mass of the resulting basic matter particle (e.g. the electron) is at rest, although its internal components---its vaculeon charge and wave components, are oscillating.
For a specified basic particle formed, the specified amounts of q and Eq are the two sole inputs. The remainder of the intrinsic properties, like the inertial mass, total energy and de Broglie wave parameters etc, of the particle are subsequently obtained from the first-principles classical-mechanics (FPCM) solutions for the internal processes. Explicitly, this is for the equation of motion of the elastic vacuum perturbed by the vaculeon-charge oscillation; the elastic wave motion of the vacuum corresponds to the electromagnetic wave.
The solutions [1-7] have yielded particle properties and basic relations between the properties in the classical, quantum-mechanical and relativistic regimes in overall agreement with observations and the broadly corroborated laws of classical, quantum and relativistic mechanics.
[edit] References
- J. X. Zheng-Johansson and P.-I. Johansson, Foreword by Prof. R. Lundin, Unification of Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics and of the Four Forces, 2nd printing, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2005, pp.250, ISBN 1-59454-260-0.
- J. X. Zheng-Johansson and P.-I. Johansson, Foreword by Prof. R. Lundin, Inference of Basic Law of Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics from First-Principles Classical-Mechanics Solutions (updated title), Nova Science, New York, 2006, ISBN 1-59454-261-9.
- J. X. Zheng-Johansson and P.-I. Johansson, "Inference of Schrödinger Equation from Classical-Mechanics Solution,” Quantum Theory and Symmetries IV, 2, ed. V.K. Dobrev (Heron Press, Bulgaria, 2006), Supplement to the Bulgarian Journal of Physics 33, 763-770 (2006); preprint: arxiv:physics/0411134.
- J. X. Zheng-Johansson, P.-I. Johansson, and R. Lundin, "Depolarization Radiation force in a Dielectric Medium. Its Analogy with Gravity," Quantum Theory and Symmetries IV, 2, Supplement to the Bulgarian Journal of Physics 33, ed. V.K. Dobrev, Heron Press, Bulgaria, 2006, 771-780; “Cause of Gravity. Prediction of Gravity between Charges in a Dielectric Medium”, arxiv:physics/0411245.
- J X. Zheng-Johansson and P-I Johansson, "Mass and Mass Energy Equation from Classical-Mechanics Solution," Physics Essays, in press, 2007; arxiv:physics/0501037.
- J. X. Zheng-Johansson and P-I. Johansson, "Developing de Broglie Wave," Progress in Physics 4, 32-35 (2006); arxiv:physics/0608265.
- J. X. Zheng-Johansson and P-I. Johansson, "Inference of Schrödinger wave equation from classical mechanics solution," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Charm Quark States, D10.015 (2004a); "Unif. Scheme for Class., Quant. and Rel. Mech. and for Grav. and EM forces," DPF Am. Phys. Soc. (2004b); "Inference of Newton's law of Gravitation," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., C1.026 (2004c); "Unification Scheme for Classical and Quantum Mechanics at all Velocities," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Y38 (2004d); "Unification Scheme for Classical and Quantum Mechanics at All Velocities," seminar given at the IRF (June, 2003a); "Fundamental construction of material particles at all velocities", Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Theo. Phys. C14.04 (2003b); J. X. Zheng-Johansson, "Unification of Classical and Quantum Mechanics, & The Theory of Relative Motion," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Gen. Phys. G35.01 (2003c).