Bango (cannabis)
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Bango is a type of marijuana found in the Middle East, particularly Egypt and Sudan. It is generally perceived as lighter in effect and more harmful than other light drugs like hashish, bu62.135.87.177 20:44, 15 December 2006 (UTC)t has the same health and policy implications as marijuana in general.
Cannabis resources (edit) |
Use: recreational drug, pharmaceutical drug, spiritual, culture, 420, health issues, legal issues, cultivation, pipe smoking |
Preparations: bhang, hashish, kief, shake, hash oil |
Smoking: blunt, bong, chillum, dugout, gravity bong, hookah, joint, shotgun, smoking pipe, steamroller, rolling papers |
Vaporization: vaporizer, knifers |
Food: cannabutter, dope cake, Ganja goo ball, hash cookie, Green Dragon, Leary biscuit, cannabis brownie, Cannabis tea |