Bangalore Club

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Located in Bangalore, India, the The Bangalore Club is the oldest club in the city, founded in 1868. It is so exclusive that it has a 15-year waiting list for membership and counts among its previous members Winston Churchill and the Maharajah of Mysore. A ledger on display in the main building of the club is open to a page that has a list of "irrecoverable debts" that were written off by the club. One of these is the sum Rs.13, owed by Winston Churchill.

The club has a number of restaurants, bars, libraries and sports facilities, and is built in the colonial style. Formerly known as the Bangalore United Services Club (BUS Club), it was originally formed for exclusive use by British troops stationed in the cantonment. At present, it is largely a civilian club. Members of the services, however, continue to enjoy special privileges.

Members are also able to visit other affiliated clubs around India, as well as many parts of the world.