Talk:Baler, Aurora

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The phrase "intestine mountain pass", added by an anon IP contributor, is not necessarily either utter nonsense resulting from a typo, or a flaky reference to, say, a serpentine pass that twists as the intestines do in the abdomen. Rather, "intestine" can be an adjective, of which a std dict says

[synonym of] internal[, q.v.]; specif[ically]: of or relating to the internal affairs affairs of a state or country[, as in the phrase "]intestine war["]

Perhaps it is a Tagalog- or Spanish-English-dict defn of a more routine foreign word. But this usage is so esoteric to even native speakers with higher degrees in most fields as to be opaque here for the reader, and close enough to opaque for nearly all editors as to preclude unaided rewording; someone who knows of this pass could do a service by providing another adjective or phrase to describe it.
--Jerzy (t) 19:16, 2005 Apr 18 (UTC)