Balancing (bridge)

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This article concerns Contract Bridge and uses terminology associated with the game. See Contract bridge glossary for an explanation of unfamiliar words or phrases.

In the game of bridge, the term balancing (or protection) refers to making a bid other than pass when passing would result in the opponents playing at a low level. Balancing is done by the player in balancing position, i.e. at the right of the last bidder. This is to be compared by direct bidding which refers to bidding in direct position (i.e. by the player left of the last bidder). Balancing is normally done with values unsuitable for a direct action, but after the opponents have not demonstrated a significant strength in their previous bidding. The aim of the tactics is to find a makeable or nearly-makeable contract of its own or to "push" opponents a level higher. It is more common in matchpoint games, where even a defeat of 100 points is a worthy gain over opponents' 110-140 points.


[edit] Examples

[edit] After a passed-out opening bid

Balancing situation result from sequences like:

(1) - Pass - (Pass) - ??

Note that a Pass in this balancing position would result in having to defend a 1 contract. When a player finds himself in a balancing position, you know that the opener made a non-forcing bid and therefore has limited values, and that the partner of the opener has denied values required to respond. In such a situation, it is unlikely that you and your partner have significantly less than half of the high-card strength. It is important to be able to enter the bidding on hands in which you and your partner both have about 9-11 hcp. Therefore, in balancing position, a takeout double can be made on values less than in direct position. Also the 1NT overcall is typically lighter than in direct position.

Mike Lawrence gave a detailed account of the various balancing situations in his Complete Book on Balancing in Contract Bridge. He stressed the fact that balancing over a minor suit is markedly different from balancing over a major suit. The difference stems from the fact that on a minor suit you can double and - after partner's response at 1-level - can rebid 1NT with 15-17 hcp. However, on a takeout double over a major suit, partner will seldomly bid at 1-level. As a result, the 1NT overcall over a major suit needs to be stronger.

The following summarises the balancing agreements made by competitive bridge players:

(1) - Pass - (Pass) - ??

dbl = 8+ hcp
1/♠ = normal overcall
1NT = 10-14 hcp, does not guarantee a stop
2♣ = normal overcall
2 = unknown two-suiter (Cf. Michaels cuebid)
2/♠ = good 6+ card, 12-16 hcp
2NT = 18-19 hcp, balanced

(1) - Pass - (Pass) - ??

dbl = 8+ hcp
1♠ = normal overcall
1NT = 12-16 hcp, does not guarantee a stop
2♣/ = normal overcall
2 = unknown two-suiter
2♠ = good 6+ card, 12-16 hcp
2NT = 17-19 hcp, balanced

[edit] In later rounds

Balancing can be also executed in later rounds of bidding, in the sequences where the opponents have found a fit but stopped at a low-level. Normally, it is performed with some values, but less than if it was in direct seat. The opponents' fit requirement is important: statistically, existence of one side's 8+ cards fit favors the possibility that their opponents also have one (see Law of total tricks). Also, the opponents fit gives a clue to the partner's length in the suit, and, by inference from previous rounds of bidding, in other suits.

Bidding Holding Comment
1–Pass–2–Pass; Pass–? ♠J1084 8 A982 ♣QJ63 South was too weak to give a takeout double in the first round, but the bidding now places some points with partner, and a likely fit in some suit
♠KQ108 8532 A82 ♣J6 South can now venture 2♠ overcall, judging that the partner has singleton heart and some values, so even a 4-3 fit could play well.
1–Pass–1–Pass; 2–Pass–Pass–? ♠108642 83 A98 ♣QJ6 A hand too weak for initial overcall might now try a 2♠, as partner is marked with some values.
1–Pass–1–Pass; 2–Pass–Pass–? ♠10864 AJ6 98 ♣KJ103 Although the distribution and strength are fine, opponents have not found a fit, and balancing can be dangerous; no fit from partner is implied, and LHO may have passed with significant values in fear of a misfit.
1NT–Pass–2[1]–Pass; 2–Pass–Pass–?
 Jacoby transfer
♠10864 5 KQ65 ♣J1094 This is a fairly extreme case, but a takeout double might be ventured at matchpoints. The partner is marked with values which lie behind 1NT opener, although he might fail to provide a fit or expect more from the balancer and pass for penalties.

[edit] Balancing in direct seat

Although the "balancing in direct seat" term is self-contradictory, it is occasionally possible to have the "balancing values", yet to act relatively safely in the direct seat. Most often, it occurs when the LHO has bid a sign-off:

Bidding Holding Comment
♠10963 8 A8532 ♣KQ8 South can see that the partner is not short in hearts and is unlikely to balance over 2, so a takeout double is in order. South's opening pass clearly indicates a weakish of hand; however, in its absence, a prior partnership agreement for light actions is in order.

Also, when opponents have found a low-level fit in a non-forcing sequence, it can be desirable to "balance in advance"; in that cause though, the prior partnership agreement is in order. The tactics/convention is often referred to as "OBAR BIDS" (acronym for "Opponents Bid And Raise - Balance In Direct Seat").

[edit] References