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Urmia District |
Bagzadeh, is a region located in the western part of the district Urmia, Iran. Its inhabitants were at one time Assyrians who belonged to the Nochiya Tribe.
[edit] See also
Bagzadeh is not a district but a kurdish family or rather a clan that roled the districts of Targawar and Dasht, both located in the western part of the district Urmia, for more than a couple of hundred years. These regions roler, from Bagzadeh family, between 1770 to 1963, were:
Mostafa Bag until 1789=> Ibrahim Khan until ~1810=> Mohamad Bag until ~1830=> Mîremadîn until 1855=> Hasan Bag until 1883=> Mîr Hac Bag until 1904=> Gorgîn Bag also known as Sartîp, Kurdo Bag and Qurd Bag until 1917=> Nurî Bag until 1963.
Read more about this family in:
1) Minorsky; Matériali po izucéniu Vostoka, publ. Secr. Du Minist. Des Aff. Etr., St. Petersburg 1915,
2) Nikitine Basile, 1956/1975, Les Kurdes, étude sociologique et historique, Librairie Klincksiek, Paris,
3) Mîrza Reshîd Edîb-ol-sho’era in persian book of “The history of Efshar”
4) The cradle of mankind, life in eastern Kurdistan, by THE REV. W. A. WIGRAM, D.D.
5) Yesterday in Persia and Kurdistan, by Frederick G. Coan
6) Ethnic realities and the church, lessons from Kurdistan, by Robert Blincoe
7) Kurd and Christians, by F. N. Heazell and Margoliouth
8) "The kurdish Question (1891-1917)" by M. S. Lazarev translated from russian to kurdish by Têmûrê Xelîl