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Coordinates: 36°8′″N, 68°42′″E

The city of Baghlan was established in Afghanistan in approximately 1960. It is located 3 miles east of the Kunduz River, 35 miles south of Khanabad, and about 1,700 feet above sea level. It is located in Baghlan Province.


[edit] The Industry of Baghlan

Baghlan is the center of beet-sugar production in Afghanistan and is the leading sugar-beet district of Afghan Turkistan. Cotton production and cotton manufacturing are also important in the Afghan Turkistan region.

[edit] The Population of Baghlan

The estimation of the population in 1960 A.D. was about 20,000 and about 24,410 in 1963 A.D. which would have been a supposed increase of 81.93% in a three year duration. The estimated population in 1965 A.D. was 92,432 which was an increase of 26.41% in two years, but all of these estimates may be incorrect as to what the real population was since there has never been a complete census because religious custom is opposed to recording the number of females in a family and Muslim men may have up to four wives although most have only one wife.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links