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- see also Bač
BAC or Bac may refer to:
[edit] Abbreviation
The abbreviation BAC can refer to:
- BACEngine data search tool
- Bacterial artificial chromosome
- Baltimore Aircoil
- Band-anticrossing
- the NYSE ticker symbol for Bank of America, N.A.
- Battersea Arts Centre
- Belmont Abbey College
- The Big Apple Chorus
- Birds Australia Capricornia, a regional group of Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union
- Blood alcohol content/blood alcohol concentration
- abbreviation for Born-Again Christian
- Boeing Airplane Company, now known as Boeing Commercial Airplanes
- Bohica Associates Corporation, now known as Bohica Associates
- The Boston Architectural College, formerly known as The Boston Architectural Center.
- The British Aircraft Corporation
- Building Automation and Control; see Intelligent building, BACnet, and LonWorks.
- Business Availability Center by Mercury Interactive.
[edit] Short forms
Bac can also be used as a short form:
- Bac is often used as a shortened form for Baccalaureate.
- Bac can also refer to the word "back" in IM or text messaging. However, this abbreviation is becoming obsolete.
- .BAC was the filetype used by the RSTS/E timesharing system for compiled BASIC-PLUS files.