Béatrice de Planisoles

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Béatrice de Planissoles was a minor noble in the Comté de Foix in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century. She was born in circa 1274, probably in the mountain village of Caussou.

A great deal of information about her life was recorded in the Fournier Register, and she has a central role in Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou

Béatrice was the daughter of Philippe de Planissoles a noble who was later convicted of supporting the Cathar heresy. Béatrice herself had definite sympathies to Albigensinism, but also remained attached to the Catholic Church.

At around the age of twenty Béatrice was married to Bérenger de Roquefort who was the châtelain of the small, and largely Cathar, community of Montaillou. Despite living in the fortress above the town Béatrice's life was closely linked with that of the local peasants and there was much intermixing. Béatrice did not care greatly for her husband and soon began courting other men. She began a courtship with Raymond Roussel, who was the steward of the châtelain's estate. When Roussel tried to sleep with her, however, she had him fired. She was also raped by Pathau Clergue.

In 1302 Bérenger de Roquefort died and left Béatrice a widow. At this point she became the open consort of Pathau Clergue. Soon, however, a relationship began with Pathau's cousin Pierre Clergue, the priest and the most powerful man in the village. This relationship lasted two years before Béatrice decided to leave the mountain village and remarry, wedding another minor noble named Otho de Lagleize.

He too died after only a few years of marriage. In her older years Béatrice took up with a young vicar Barthélemy Arilhac. After a number of years this relationship ended as Barthélemy worried he would be placed in danger by Béatrice's Cathar past. He was correct in his concerns and they were both arrested by the inquisition and held for a year.

Béatrice first appeared before the Inquisition on Saturday 26 July 1320 att he Episcopal Palace in Pamiers. She had summoned to the hearing by the Jacques Fournier, the Bishop of Pamias to answer charges of:

  • Blasphemy
  • Witchcraft and
  • Heresy.

Barthélemy was not punished, but Béatrice was sentenced to wear the yellow cross for ever as punishment.

With her husbands she is known to have had four daughters:

  • Condors,
  • Esclaramonde,
  • Philippa, and
  • Ava.

[edit] External link

[edit] References

  • Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel. Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error. translated by Barbara Bray. New York: G. Braziller, c1978.
  • The Yellow Cross - the story of the last cathars 1290 - 1329. René Weis . Penguin Viking 2000. ISBN0140276696