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Specialist Five Autie F. Kelley, First Medic assigned to the 2/7/Company B, 1st Air Calvaly Division, on December 29, 1968 was engaged in a night battle in the Ashau Valley about 2 kilometers from the DMZ. During the firefight, Specialist Kelley distinguished himself by rescuing 1st Lt. Thomas Cooper who was severley wounded. With communication to headquarters lost due to radios distroyed, Specialist Kelley advanced to a radio to provide airstrikes on the NVA position. While advancing to the position, Specialist Kelley was wounded twice by machine gun and scrapnel. Even though severly wounded, Specialist Kelley provided the much needed coordinates for the air-strike, thus saving numerous lives of the company. Thus, I recommend Specialist Kelley for the Silver Star. The Silver Star and Purple Heart was awarded to Specialist Kelley on April 23, 1969 in Phouc Vinghn, Vietnam.

Sincerely, Lt. Thomas Cooper