Automatic ring back

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Automatic ring back is a service offered by phone companies. Normally, when you call someone and their line is busy, you have to call back every few minutes to check if their line is free yet. With automatic ring back, you just dial a code (*66 in some places). Then, when their line is free, your phone rings with a distinctive ring (so you know it is automatic ring back and not a regular call). When you pick it up, it calls the other number since the line is now free.

In the UK the service is also known as: Ringback and may be a chargeable service, Please check with your telephone provider.

[edit] UK Specific information

Ring Back lets customers set up a call to an engaged number when it is free. It will monitor the number for the next 45 minutes until both the calling customer and the busy number are free.

[edit] UK Specific - Ring Back Instructions

Set up: Press ‘5’ when you hear the engaged tone.

  • To check: *#37#.
  • To cancel all Ring Backs: #37#.
  • To cancel individual Ring Back: #37*[telephone number]#.

NOTE: Customers can only cancel Ring Back from Multi Frequency (MF) or TouchTone phones.