Template:Australia state or territory

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[[Image:{{{Flag}}}|125px|Flag of {{{Name}}}]] [[Image:{{{CoatOfArms}}}|130px|Coat of Arms of {{{Name}}}]]
[[Flag of {{{Name}}}|Flag]] [[Coat of Arms of {{{Name}}}|Coat of Arms]]
Slogan or Nickname: {{{Nickname}}}
[[Image:{{{Map}}}|230px|Map of Australia with {{{Name}}} highlighted]]
Other Australian states and territories
Capital {{{Capital}}}
Government Const. monarchy
{{{ViceroyType}}} {{{Viceroy}}}
{{{ChiefType}}} {{{Chief}}} ({{{ChiefParty}}})
Federal representation
 - House seats {{{HouseSeats}}}
 - Senate seats {{{SenateSeats}}}
Gross {{{EntityAdjective}}} Product ({{{GSPYear}}})
 - Product ($m)  {{{GSP}}} ({{{GSPRank}}})
 - Product per capita  {{{GSPPerCapita}}}/person ({{{GSPPerCapitaRank}}})
Population ({{{PopulationYear}}})
 - Population  {{{Population}}} ({{{PopulationRank}}})
 - Density  {{{Density}}}/km² ({{{DensityRank}}})
0 /sq mi
 - Total  {{{TotalArea}}} km² ({{{AreaRank}}})
0 sq mi
 - Land 0 km²
0 sq mi
 - Water 0 km² ({{{PercentWater}}}%)
0 sq mi
 - Highest {{{HighestElev}}}
 - Lowest {{{LowestElev}}}
Time zone {{{TimeZone}}}
 - Postal {{{PostalAbbreviation}}}
 - ISO 3166-2 {{{ISOCode}}}
Web site {{{Website}}}