Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation

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Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR) is an independent, national network of mainly non-Indigenous organisations and individuals working in support of justice for Indigenous Australians.

Statement of Purpose

To generate in Australia a moral and legal recognition of and respect for the distinctive status of Indigenous Australians as First Peoples. Recognition of Indigenous Australians' rights, which include self-determination, their relationships to land and the maintenance and growth of their cultures, is essential to creating a just and fair society for all Australians.


  • coordinates community education and awareness campaign
  • is independent of government, it does not receives government grants
  • is politically non-aligned.
  • has a close and unique working relationship with Indigenous leaders
  • supports Indigenous people speaking for themselves (the principle of solidarity)

There is an Indigenous Reference Group, comprising Indigenous leaders and prominent individuals from around Australia.

The Sea of Hands is a prominent public campaign with over 300,000 Australians having signed their signatures on a hand and helped in its installation in locations around Australia.

There are peak state and territory ANTaRs and over 200 local groups. See, for example, ANTaR NT, ANTaR Queensland, ANTaR SA, ANTaR Vic and ANTaR Western Australia

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Source: About ANTaR