Australian referendum, 1913 (Railway Disputes)

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Constitution Alteration (Railways Disputes) 1912 sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power over industrial relations in the State railway services. The question was put to a referendum in the Australian referendum, 1913.

[edit] Results

Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled 'Constitution Alteration (Railway Disputes) 1912'?

State On




For Against Informal
% %
New South Wales 1,036,187 717,855 316,928 %46.70 361,743 %53.30 37,928
Victoria 830,391 626,861 296,255 %48.79 310,921 %51.21 19,357
Queensland 363,082 280,525 146,521 %54.19 123,859 %45.81 9,924
South Australia 244,026 195,463 96,072 %51.28 91,262 %48.72 7,912
Western Australia 179,784 132,149 65,957 %52.38 59,965 %47.62 5,894
Tasmania 106,746 80,398 34,625 %45.01 42,296 %54.99 3,351
Total for Commonwealth 2,760,216 2,033,251 956,358 %49.13 990,046 %50.87 84,366
Obtained majority in three States and an overall

minority of 33,688 votes.

Not carried

[edit] Discussion

[edit] See also

Referendums and plebiscites in Australia Flag of Australia
Referendum of 1913

1906 1910 1911 1913 1916 1917 1919 1926 1928 1937 1944 1946 1948 1951 1967 1973 1974 1977 1984 1988 1999