Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee

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The Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee is an organisation founded in Sydney in May 1920, which attempts to advance higher education through voluntary, cooperative and coordinated action. After being based for a time in both Sydney and Melbourne, its offices relocated to Canberra in 1966.

The Committee is non-partisan and exists exclusively for educational purposes. Its continuing aim is to serve the best interests of the universities, and through them, the nation. According to its website,[1] its aims are to

  • Support Vice-Chancellors in the performance of their roles;
  • Promote the needs, interests and purposes of Australian universities and their communities to government, industry and other groups;
  • Develop policy positions and guidelines on higher education matters through discussing higher education issues, including teaching, research and research training;
  • Advance internationalisation of Australian universities;
  • Provide information for and about Australian universities; and
  • Provide services and programs to universities including the negotiation of common purchasing arrangements.

The AVCC represents (and is funded by contributions from) 38 Australian universities.

[edit] Member universities

[edit] External links

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